Books by Contributors
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American Gardens | Watters, Sam | Acanthus Press |
The Living Form | Deganello, Paolo et al. | Expositieruimte Binnen |
The Design of Childhood | Lange, Alexandra | Bloomsbury |
Buildings in Print | Hill, John | Prestel Publishing |
-arium | Mayer H., Jürgen et al. | Hatje Cantz |
100 Secrets of the Art World | Girst, Thomas et al. | Koenig Books |
100 Ways to Happy Chic Your Life | Adler, Jonathan et al. | Sterling Publishing |
1100 Architect (Works in Progress) | 1100 Architect, et al. | The Monacelli Press |
1100 Architect: 1998-2006 | Albrecht, Donald et al. | The Monacelli Press |
A.L.T.: A Memoir | Talley, André Leon | Villard |
A.WAY | Mayer H., Jürgen | Trademark Publishing |
Abbott Miller: Design and Content | Miller, J. Abbott | Princeton Architectural Press |
The ABC’s of Bauhaus: The Bauhaus and Design Theory | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Above New York | Goldberger, Paul et al. | Cameron & Co. |
Access by Design | Hannah, Bruce et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
Activators | Mayer H., Jürgen | Damdi Architecture Publishing |
AC|DC Contemporary Art/Contemporary Design | Greff, Jean-Pierre et al. | JRP Ringier with D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers |
The Adventures of Sandee the Supermodel | Mizrahi, Isaac | Simon & Schuster |
Aesthetic Theory | Gage, Mark Foster | W. W. Norton |
African Metropolitan Architecture | Adjaye, David | Rizzoli International Publications |
After: Etchings by Judith Turner | Turner, Judith et al. | Vincent FitzGerald & Co. |
After Taste | Kleinman, Kent et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
After the World Trade Center | Sorkin, Michael | Routledge |
Against the Wall | Sorkin, Michael | New Press |
Alchemy | St. Clair, Temple | Harper Design |
Alex Steinweiss: The Inventor of the Modern Album Cover | Reagan, Kevin et al. | TASCHEN |
Alexa Hampton The Language of Interior Design | Hampton, Alexa | Clarkson Potter |
Alexander Girard | Oldham, Todd et al. | AMMO Books |
Ali Rap | Lois, George | TASCHEN |
All Over the Map | Sorkin, Michael | Verso |
A.L.T. 365+ | Talley, André Leon | powerHouse Books |
American Masterworks | Frampton, Kenneth et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
American Splendor | Kathrens, Michael C. | Acanthus Press |
American Typeplay | Heller, Steven et al. | PBC International |
The Anatomy of Design | Heller, Steven et al. | Rockport Publishers |
Anche gli oggetti hanno un anima (Objects Also Have a Soul: Paolo Deganello, Works from 1964 to 2002) | Deganello, Paolo et al. | Galleria del Design e dell’Arredamento (CLAC) |
Anchoring | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
And the Pursuit of Happiness | Kalman, Maira | Penguin |
Animate FORM | Lynn, Greg | Princeton Architectural Press |
Anna Sui | Bolton, Andrew et al. | Chronicle Books |
Annotations on Ambiguity | Turner, Judith | Axis Design Publications |
Aperto Vetro | Romanelli, Marco | Electa |
Approximations: The Architecture of Peter Märkli | Mostafavi, Mohsen | The MIT Press |
Arcadian Architecture | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, | Rizzoli International Publications |
Archaeology of the Digital | Lynn, Greg | Sternberg Press |
Archi-Tectonics | Dubbeldam, Winka | DAAB |
Architectural Journeys | Predock, Antoine | Rizzoli International Publications |
Architecture as Art: An Esthetic Analysis | Abercrombie, Stanley | Van Nostrand Reinhold |
Architecture as Signs and Systems for a Mannerist Time | Venturi, Robert et al. | Harvard University Press |
Architecture and Continuity | Mostafavi, Mohsen et al. | Architectural Association Publications |
The Architecture of Delano & Aldrich | Pennoyer, Peter et al. | W. W. Norton |
The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury | Pennoyer, Peter et al. | W. W. Norton |
The Architecture of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, | Rockport Publishers |
The Architecture of Exile | Tigerman, Stanley | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Architecture of Image: Existential Space in Cinema | Pallasmaa, Juhani | Rakennustieto |
The Architecture of the Barnes Foundation | Williams, Tod et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Architecture of the Everyday | Berke, Deborah et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Architecture of Warren & Wetmore | Pennoyer, Peter et al. | W. W. Norton |
Architecture Spoken | Holl, Steven | Rizzoli International Publications |
Architettura Open Source | Ratti, Carlo | Einaudi |
Around the House and in the Garden | Browning, Dominique | Scribner |
The Art & Craft of Gianni Versace | Wilcox, Claire | V&A Publishing |
The Art and Colour of General Motors | Stein, Jonathan A. et al. | Coachbuilt Press |
Art Direction Explained, At Last! | Heller, Steven et al. | Laurence King Publishing |
Art Is Work | Glaser, Milton | Overlook Press |
The Art of Advertising: George Lois on Mass Communication | Lois, George | Abrams |
The Art of Being a Woman: A Simple Guide to Everyday Love and Laughter | Vienne, Véronique | Clarkson Potter |
The Art of Doing Nothing: Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself | Vienne, Véronique | Clarkson Potter |
The Art of Expecting: Simple Ways to Make Room for the Future | Vienne, Véronique | Clarkson Potter |
The Art of Gaman | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | Ten Speed Press |
The Art of Growing Up: Simple Ways to Be Yourself at Last | Vienne, Véronique | Clarkson Potter |
The Art of Imperfection: Simple Ways to Make Peace with Yourself | Vienne, Véronique | Clarkson Potter |
The Art of Innovation | Kelley, Tom et al. | Doubleday |
The Art of the Moment: Simple Ways to Get the Most from Life | Vienne, Véronique | Clarkson Potter |
Art and the Power of Placement | Newhouse, Victoria | The Monacelli Press |
Artesign: Works of Freeman Lau (藝設術計 – 劉小康作品集) | Lau, Freeman | Pace Publishing |
Articulado | Giménez, José Antonio et al. | Impiva and Association of Designers of the Valencian Community |
Artist & Alphabet | Koeth, Alice et al. | David R. Godine |
The Artist’s Library | Batykefer, Erinn et al. | Coffee House Press |
As razões do meu projecto radical (The Reasons for My Radical Project) | Deganello, Paolo et al. | ESAD |
Asnago e Vender: Architetture e progetti 1925-1970 | Zucchi, Cino et al. | Skira |
AT-INdex | Dubbeldam, Winka | Princeton Architectural Press |
Authoring | Adjaye, David et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Autobiography of a Fashion Designer: Ralph Rucci | Rucci, Ralph | Bauer and Dean Publishers |
Autodesign International | Polster, Bernd et al. | DuMont |
AV! | Skibsted, Jens Martin | AV-ART |
Tilbage til virkeligheden | Skibsted, Jens Martin et al. | Gyldendal Business |
Back to the Front | Diller, Elizabeth et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Bagdad, Californie | VanderLans, Rudy | Editions du Rouergue |
Bags | Wilcox, Claire | V&A Publishing |
The Bald Mermaid | Bridges, Sheila | Pointed Leaf Press |
A Balloon for a Blunderbuss | Gill, Bob et al. | Phaidon Press |
Ballpark | Goldberger, Paul | Knopf |
Barbara Barry: Around Beauty | Barry, Barbara et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Barnbrook Bible | Barnbrook, Jonathan | Rizzoli International Publications |
Baseball Field Guide | Formosa, Dan et al. | Da Capo Press |
Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan | Kidd, Chip | Pantheon |
The Bathroom, the Kitchen, and the Aesthetics of Waste | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Batman Animated | Kidd, Chip et al. | Harper and IT Books |
Batman Collected | Kidd, Chip | Watson-Guptill |
Bau Kunst Bau | Zucchi, Cino | CLEAN |
Bauhaus 1919–1933 | Bergdoll, Barry et al. | The Museum of Modern Art |
BC AD: Benthem Crouwel 1979-2009 | Crouwel, Mels et al. | nai010 Publishers |
Beatrix Farrand’s American Landscapes: Her Gardens and Campuses | Balmori, Diana et al. | Sagapress |
Beauty | Sagmeister, Stefan et al. | Phaidon Press |
Becoming a Digital Designer | Heller, Steven et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
Becoming a Graphic Designer | Heller, Steven | John Wiley & Sons |
Becoming a Product Designer | Hannah, Bruce | John Wiley & Sons |
Bedrock City | Oldham, Todd et al. | AMMO Books |
Being: An Architect | Ritchie, Ian et al. | Royal Academy of Arts |
Being Chinese in Architecture | Yim, Rocco | MCCM Creations |
Bejeweled | Proddow, Penny et al. | Abrams |
Benthem Crouwel: Architecten | Crouwel, Mels et al. | nai010 Publishers |
The Berg Companion to Fashion | Steele, Valerie | Berg Publishers |
Berlin: The Politics of Order, 1737–1989 | Balfour, Alan | Rizzoli International Publications |
Berlin: World City | Balfour, Alan | Academy Editions |
Bertrand Goldberg: Architecture of Invention | Ryan, Zoë | Yale University Press |
Bespoke: The Handbuilt Bicycle | Lasky, Julie et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Between Spaces | Turner, Judith | Princeton Architectural Press |
Between Zero and Infinity | Libeskind, Daniel | Rizzoli International Publications |
Beyond the Dunes: A Portrait of the Hamptons | Goldberger, Paul et al. | The Monacelli Press |
The Biggest Glass Palace in the World | Ritchie, Ian et al. | Ellipsis |
Bill Traylor: High Singing Blue | Traylor, Bill et al. | Hirschl & Adler Modern |
The Biography of a Building | Rybczynski, Witold | Thames & Hudson |
The Black Dress | Steele, Valerie | Harper Design |
Blur | Diller, Elizabeth et al. | Abrams |
Blurred Zones | Eisenman, Peter | The Monacelli Press |
BMW Art Cars | Girst, Thomas et al. | Hatje Cantz |
Bob Gill, so far. | Gill, Bob | Laurence King Publishing |
Bob Gill’s A–Z | Gill, Bob | Little, Brown |
Bob Gill’s Portfolio | Gill, Bob | Lund Humphries |
The Book of Five Pens | Munari, Cleto | Cleto Munari Design Association |
A Book of Spoons | Morrison, Jasper | Imschoot |
Born Modern | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Borrowed Design: Use and Abuse of Historical Form | Heller, Steven et al. | Van Nostrand Reinhold |
Boundaries | Lin, Maya | Simon & Schuster |
Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing and Sustaining Brands | Millman, Debbie | Rockport Publishers |
Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits | Millman, Debbie | Allworth Press |
Breaking Ground | Libeskind, Daniel et al. | Riverhead Books (Penguin) |
Bringing Paris Home | Baird, Penny Drue | The Monacelli Press |
British Modern | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Brno Echo | Miller, J. Abbott | Moravian Gallery |
Brother Blue: A Narrative Portrait of Dr. Hugh Morgan Hill aka Brother Blue | Lehrer, Warren | Bay Press |
The Brownstone | Scher, Paula et al. | Pantheon Books |
Bug: The Strange Mutations of the World’s Most Popular Automobile | Patton, Phil | Simon & Schuster |
Building Seagram | Lambert, Phyllis et al. | Yale University Press |
Building Up and Tearing Down: Reflections on the Age of Architecture | Goldberger, Paul | The Monacelli Press |
Building with Water: Concepts, Typology, Design | Ryan, Zoë | Birkhäuser |
Building: Inside Studio Gang Architects | Gang, Jeanne et al. | Yale University Press |
Bulgari: Serpenti Collection | Fasel, Marion | Assouline |
C/ID: Visual Identity and Branding for the Arts | Hyland, Angus et al. | Laurence King Publishing |
The California Condition: A Pregnant Architecture | Tigerman, Stanley | La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art |
Camp Nest | Oldham, Todd et al. | AMMO Books |
Cars, Culture, and the City | Albrecht, Donald et al. | Museum of the City of New York |
Castellani and Italian Archaeological Jewelry | Weber, Susan et al. | Yale University Press and Bard Graduate Center |
Catalog | Goldberg, Carin | Stewart, Tabori & Chang |
Catullus | Hurley, Amanda Kolson | Bloomsbury |
The Century of Fashion (Fasshon no seiki) | Fukai, Akiko | Heibonsha |
A Century of Interior Design: A Timetable of the Design, the Designers, the Products, and the Profession 1900–2000 | Abercrombie, Stanley | Rizzoli International Publications |
A Century of Style: Bags | Wilcox, Claire | Quarto |
Chairplay (2007) (椅子戲) | Lau, Freeman | Kan & Lau Design Consultants (靳與劉設計顧問) |
Chairplay 2 (椅子戲 2) | Lau, Freeman | Kan & Lau Design Consultants (靳與劉設計顧問) |
Chairplay (2009) (椅子戲) | Lau, Freeman | Kan & Lau Design Consultants (靳與劉設計顧問) |
Chairplay—Play Chair (十年椅子) | Lau, Freeman | Up Publications (U上書局) |
Change by Design | Brown, Tim | HarperCollins |
Changing Faces | Tscherny, George | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Changing of the Avant-Garde | Riley, Terence | The Museum of Modern Art |
The Chapel of St. Ignatius | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
Charles James: Beyond Fashion | Koda, Harold et al. | Yale University Press |
Charleston Fancy | Rybczynski, Witold | Yale University Press |
Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life | Oldham, Todd et al. | AMMO Books |
Charley Harper’s Animal Kingdom | Harper, Charley et al. | AMMO Books |
Charlie: A Narrative Portrait of Charlie Lang | Lehrer, Warren | Bay Press |
The Cheese Monkeys: A Novel in Two Semesters | Kidd, Chip | HarperCollins |
The Chicago Tribune Tower Competition and Late Entries | Tigerman, Stanley | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Chiffon Trenches | Talley, André Leon | Ballantine Books |
China Chic: East Meets West | Steele, Valerie et al. | Yale University Press |
Chip Kidd | Vienne, Véronique | Yale University Press |
Chip Kidd, Book One: Work 1986–2006 | Kidd, Chip | Rizzoli International Publications |
Chora L Works | Eisenman, Peter et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Chris Ofili | Golden, Thelma et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Christian Lacroix on Fashion | Lacroix, Christian | Thames & Hudson |
Christo and Jeanne-Claude | Goldberger, Paul | TASCHEN |
Cino Zucchi: Inspiration and Process in Architecture | Zucchi, Cino | Chronicle Books |
Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility | Heller, Steven et al. | Allworth Press |
The City in Architecture | Yim, Rocco | Images Publishing |
City Life: Urban Expectations in a New World | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
The City Observed—New York: A Guide to the Architecture of Manhattan | Goldberger, Paul | Penguin |
City Walks Architecture: New York | Walker, Alissa | Chronicle Books |
Civic Action | Iovine, Julie | The Noguchi Museum |
The Civilized Shopper’s Guide to Florence | Fili, Louise | The Little Bookroom |
Classic & Modern: Signature Styles | Barlis, Alan et al. | ORO Editions |
Claude & François-Xavier Lalanne | Krakoff, Reed | Reed Krakoff, Paul Kasmin Gallery and Ben Brown Fine Arts |
Claude: A Narrative Portrait of Claude Debs | Lehrer, Warren | Bay Press |
A Clearing in the Distance | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
CMYK (从设计到产业 :刘小康的CMYK创意学, Simplified Chinese Version) | Lau, Freeman | China Renmin University Press |
CMYK (設入點 : 劉小康的CMYK創意學, Traditional Chinese Version) | Lau, Freeman | Enrich Publishing |
Combinatory Urbanism | Mayne, Thom | Stray Dog Cafe |
Comics Sketchbooks | Heller, Steven | Thames & Hudson |
Communicate: Independent British Graphic Design Since the Sixties | Poynor, Rick | Yale University Press |
Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture | Venturi, Robert | The Museum of Modern Art |
Composites, Surfaces and Software, High Performance Architecture: Greg Lynn at the Yale School of Architecture | Lynn, Greg et al. | Yale School of Architecture Books |
The Concise History of Fashion (Sekai fukushoku shi) | Fukai, Akiko | Bijutsu Shuppan-sha |
Conditions | Snøhetta, | Lars Müller Publishers |
Confessions of a Generalist | Diffrient, Niels | Generalist Ink |
Conundrums | Pearce, Harry | HarperCollins |
Corporate Interiors 2 | Abercrombie, Stanley | Retail Reporting Corp. |
Corporate Interiors 3 | Abercrombie, Stanley | Visual Reference Publications |
The Corset: A Cultural History | Steele, Valerie | Yale University Press |
Counter Culture | Heller, Steven et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Counterpoint | Libeskind, Daniel et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Court House: A Photographic Document | Pare, Richard et al. | Horizon Press |
Cover | Mendelsund, Peter | powerHouse Books |
Cover Story | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Covering the ’60s | Lois, George | The Monacelli Press |
Creating a Scottish Parliament | Balfour, Alan et al. | Finlay Brown |
Creative Code: Aesthetics + Computation | Maeda, John | Thames & Hudson |
Creative Confidence | Kelley, Tom et al. | Crown |
Creatures: Studies for Existence | Bakker, Aldo | Archibooks |
Crossing the BLVD: Strangers, Neighbors, Aliens in a New America | Lehrer, Warren et al. | W. W. Norton |
Cucamonga | VanderLans, Rudy | Emigre |
Curves of Steel | Stein, Jonathan A. et al. | Phoenix Museum/Coachbuilt Press |
Damn Good Advice (For People with Talent!) | Lois, George | Phaidon Press |
David Adjaye: Houses | Adjaye, David | Thames & Hudson |
David Adjaye: Making Public Buildings | Adjaye, David | Thames & Hudson |
David King Designer: Activist, Visual Historian | Poynor, Rick | Yale University Press |
DD Predator: Greg Lynn FORM | Lynn, Greg | Damdi Architecture Publishing |
Deborah Berke | Myers, Tracy et al. | Yale University Press |
Deco España | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Decoding the City | Ratti, Carlo | Birkhäuser |
Decorating in Detail | Hampton, Alexa | The Crown Publishing Group |
Deep Blues | Helfenstein, Josef et al. | Yale University Press |
Defining Luxury | Bilhuber, Jeffrey | Rizzoli International Publications |
Delayed Space: Work of Homa Fardjadi and Mohsen Mostafavi | Fardjadi, Homa et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Departures: Five Milestone Font Families by Emigre | VanderLans, Rudy | Emigre |
Design as an Attitude | Rawsthorn, Alice | JRP Ringier with D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers |
Design By Numbers | Maeda, John | The MIT Press |
Design Connoiseur | Heller, Steven et al. | Allworth Press |
Design Disasters | Heller, Steven et al. | Allworth Press |
Design Emergency | Rawsthorn, Alice et al. | Phaidon Press |
Design for a Living World | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum |
Design for a Better World | Norman, Donald | The MIT Press |
Design Forward | Esslinger, Hartmut | ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers |
Il design italiano incontra il gioiello/Italian Design Meets Jewellery | Romanelli, Marco et al. | Marsilio Editori |
Design Like You Give a Damn [2] | Architecture for Humanity, et al. | Abrams |
Design Like You Give a Damn | Sinclair, Cameron et al. | Metropolis Books |
Design Maçico | Deganello, Paolo | Editorial Blau |
Design Noir | Dunne, Anthony et al. | Birkhäuser |
Design Nord-Est: Renata Bonfanti, Fulvio Bianconi, Mario Pinton, Gastone Rinaldi, Carlo Scarpa, Gino Valle | Romanelli, Marco et al. | Editrice Abitare Segesta |
The Design of Everyday Things | Norman, Donald | Basic Books |
The Design of Future Things | Norman, Donald | Basic Books |
Design Research | Thompson, Jane et al. | Chronicle Books |
Design: Vignelli | Vignelli, Massimo et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Design Without Boundaries: Visual Communication in Transition | Poynor, Rick | Booth-Clibborn |
Design/Writing/Research: Writing on Graphic Design | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Phaidon Press |
Design Your Life: The Pleasures and Perils of Everyday Things | Lupton, Ellen et al. | St. Martin’s Griffin |
Design Your Self: Rethinking the Way You Live, Love, Work, and Play | Rashid, Karim | Regan Books |
Design: una storia italiana | Romanelli, Marco | Skira |
The Designer’s Guide to Astounding Photoshop Effects | Heller, Steven et al. | HOW Books |
A Designer’s Guide to Italy | Fili, Louise | Louise Fili |
Designing: | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Graphis |
Designing Bridges to Burn | Tigerman, Stanley | ORO Editions |
Designing Devices | Saffer, Dan | Kindle edition |
Designing for Small Screens | Zwick, Carola et al. | AVA Publishing |
Designing Gestural Interfaces | Saffer, Dan | O’Reilly |
Designing for Interaction | Saffer, Dan | New Riders Press |
Designing Media | Moggridge, Bill et al. | The MIT Press |
Designing Pornotopia: Travels in Visual Culture | Poynor, Rick | Princeton Architectural Press |
Designing with Light | Meyers, Victoria | Abbeville Press |
Dezeen Book of Ideas | Fairs, Marcus | Spotlight Press |
Dezeen Book of Interviews | Fairs, Marcus | Dezeen |
“Dialog” | Carbone, Ken et al. | Pointed Leaf Press |
Diamonds: A Century of Spectacular Jewels | Proddow, Penny et al. | Abrams |
Dictionnaire international des arts appliqués et du design | Barré-Despond, Arlette et al. | Editions du Regard |
Digipop | Rashid, Karim | TASCHEN |
Digital Colour for the Internet and Other Media | Zwick, Carola et al. | AVA Publishing |
The Digital Turn | Berzina, Zane et al. | Park Books |
Digital Water Pavilion | Ratti, Carlo | Electa |
Diller, Scofidio + Renfro: Lincoln Center Inside Out | Diller, Elizabeth et al. | Damiani |
Dimensional Typography | Miller, J. Abbott | Princeton Architectural Press |
Distillations | McCurry, Margaret et al. | ORO Editions |
D.I.Y.: Design It Yourself | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
D.I.Y. Kids | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Donata Paruccini | Romanelli, Marco | Electa |
Don’t Buy It if You Don’t Need It | Guixé, Martí et al. | Camper |
The Dot-Com City | Lange, Alexandra | Strelka Press |
Drawing and Reinventing Landscape, AD Primer | Balmori, Diana | John Wiley & Sons |
Drawing Is Thinking | Glaser, Milton | Overlook Press |
The Dream Factory | Alessi, Alberto | Könemann |
Dream House | Dietz, Ulysses Grant et al. | Acanthus Press |
Dreamland | Patton, Phil | Villard |
Droog Design: Spirit of the Nineties | Bakker, Gijs et al. | nai010 Publishers |
The Duchamp Dictionary | Girst, Thomas | Thames & Hudson |
Dutch Moderne | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Dyslexia, Fluency, and the Brain | Wolf, Maryanne | York Press |
Ecological Urbanism | Mostafavi, Mohsen et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Edge of a City | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Education of An Art Director | Heller, Steven et al. | Allworth Press |
Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future | Pelkonen, Eeva-Liisa et al. | Yale University Press |
Eisenman | Eisenman, Peter | Yale University Press |
Elegantissima | Fili, Louise et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Elements of Style (illustrated) | Strunk, William et al. | Penguin |
Ellis Island: An Illustrated History of the Immigrant Experience | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Macmillan |
The Embodied Image: Imagination and Imagery in Architecture | Pallasmaa, Juhani | John Wiley & Sons |
Emigre (The Book) | VanderLans, Rudy et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
Emigre 43 | VanderLans, Rudy | Drukkerij Rosbeek |
Emigre No: 70: The Look Back Issue | VanderLans, Rudy | Gingko Press |
Emmy+Gijs+Aldo | Boelen, Jan | nai010 Publishers |
Emotional Design | Norman, Donald | Basic Books |
Encounters 2 | Pallasmaa, Juhani et al. | Rakennustieto |
Encounters: Architectural Essays | Pallasmaa, Juhani | Rakennustieto |
Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion | Steele, Valerie | Scribner |
The End | VanderLans, Rudy | Princeton Architectural Press |
Enfolding Life (生活與承載) | Lau, Freeman | Kan & Lau Design Consultants (靳與劉設計顧問) |
Essays: Scratching the Surface | Shaughnessy, Adrian | Unit Editions |
The Essential Principles of Graphic Design | Millman, Debbie | HOW Books |
Euro Deco | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
European Architecture 1750–1890 | Bergdoll, Barry | Oxford University Press |
European Design Since 1985: Shaping the New Century | Miller, R. Craig et al. | Merrell Publishers |
Eva Zeisel on Design | Zeisel, Eva | Overlook Press |
Everything but the Walls | Morrison, Jasper | Lars Müller Publishers |
Evolution | Rashid, Karim | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Evolution of 20th Century Architecture | Frampton, Kenneth | Springer |
E. W. Godwin: Aesthetic Movement Architect and Designer | Weber, Susan | Yale University Press and Bard Graduate Center |
Explorations in Cognition | Norman, Donald et al. | W.H. Freeman |
Exquisite Corpse | Sorkin, Michael | Verso |
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses | Pallasmaa, Juhani | John Wiley & Sons |
Facticity | Denari, Neil M. | AADCU |
The Fan: Fashion and Femininity | Steele, Valerie | Rizzoli International Publications |
FARMAX | MVRDV, et al. | nai010 Publishers |
Farrar | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, et al. | ORO Editions |
Fashion and Eroticism: Ideals of Feminine Beauty from the Victorian Era to the Jazz Age | Steele, Valerie | Oxford University Press |
Fashion Brand Best 101 (Fasshon burando besuto 101) | Fukai, Akiko | Shinshokan |
Fashion Designers A–Z | Steele, Valerie et al. | TASCHEN |
Fashion in Colors | Fukai, Akiko | Assouline |
Fashion Theory: A Reader | Bernard, Malcolm et al. | Routledge |
Fashion, Italian Style | Steele, Valerie | Yale University Press and the Fashion Institute of Technology |
Fashion: The Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute, A History from the 18th to the 20th Century | Fukai, Akiko | TASCHEN |
Feathery Facts | Chermayeff, Ivan | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |
Ferrocement: Building with Cement, Sand, and Wire Mesh | Abercrombie, Stanley | Schocken |
Fetish: Fashion, Sex and Power | Steele, Valerie | Oxford University Press |
FHK Henrion | Shaughnessy, Adrian | Unit Editions |
Fifty Years of Fashion: New Look to Now | Steele, Valerie | Yale University Press |
Fighter | Krakoff, Reed | Viking |
The Filter of Reason | Riley, Terence | Columbia University/Rizzoli |
Fin d’Ou T Hou S | Eisenman, Peter | Architectural Association Publications |
A Fine Line | Esslinger, Hartmut | John Wiley & Sons |
Fireboat | Kalman, Maira | Putnam/Puffin |
First Shapes | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Abrams |
First Words | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Abrams |
Fishy Facts | Chermayeff, Ivan | Houghton Mifflin |
Five North American Architects | Frampton, Kenneth | Lars Müller Publishers |
Five Oceans in a Teaspoon | Bernstein, Dennis et al. | Paper Crown Press |
Flesh | Diller, Elizabeth et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Folding in Architecture | Lynn, Greg | Academy Editions |
Folds, Bodies & Blobs: Collected Essays | Lynn, Greg | La Lettre volée |
FontBook: Digital Typeface Compendium | Spiekermann, Erik et al. | FontShop International |
Food Rules | Pollan, Michael et al. | Penguin |
Foreclosed | Bergdoll, Barry | The Museum of Modern Art |
Forget All the Rules You Ever Learned About Graphic Design, Including the Ones in This Book | Gill, Bob | Watson-Guptill |
The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture | Eisenman, Peter | Lars Müller Publishers |
Formica Forever | Lange, Alexandra et al. | Metropolis Books |
Fortifications and the Synagogue | Lambert, Phyllis | CCA Publications |
Foster + Partners: Catalogue | Foster, Norman et al. | Prestel Publishing |
Foster 40 | Foster, Norman et al. | Prestel Publishing |
Foster Catalogue (2001) | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
The Four States of Architecture | Hanrahan, Thomas et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
Fragments: Architecture and the Unfinished | Bergdoll, Barry et al. | Thames & Hudson |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect | Riley, Terence | The Museum of Modern Art |
Freeman Lau: Works of Message (劉小康訊息的存在與再現) | Lau, Freeman | Kan & Lau Design Consultants (靳與劉設計顧問) |
French Fries | Lehrer, Warren et al. | Visual Studies Workshop Press/EarSay |
French Modern | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
French Style: How to Think, Shop and Dress like a French Woman | Vienne, Véronique | Express |
Frieze Projects and Frieze Talks 2006–2008 | Wakefield, Neville et al. | Frieze |
Frieze Projects: Artists’ Commissions and Talks 2003–2005 | Staple, Polly et al. | Frieze |
The Function of Form | Moussavi, Farshid | Actar |
The Function of Ornament | Moussavi, Farshid | Actar |
Furnishing Forward | Bridges, Sheila | Bulfinch |
Furry Facts | Chermayeff, Ivan | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |
FUSE 1-20 | Brody, Neville et al. | TASCHEN |
Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion | Fukai, Akiko | Merrell Publishers |
Gardens for a Beautiful America 1895-1935 | Watters, Sam | Acanthus Press |
A Genealogy of Modern Architecture | Frampton, Kenneth | Lars Müller Publishers |
David Adjaye’s Geo-Graphics | Adjaye, David | BOZAR |
George, Be Careful | Lois, George | Saturday Review Press |
George Lois: The Esquire Covers @ MoMA | Lois, George | Assouline |
George Lois on His Creation of the Big Idea | Lois, George | Assouline |
George Nelson: The Design of Modern Design | Abercrombie, Stanley | The MIT Press |
German Modern | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Gertrude Stein and the Literature of the Modern Consciousness | Weinstein, Norman | Ungar |
Gijs Bakker and Jewelry | Bakker, Gijs et al. | ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers |
Gijs Bakker/Objects to Use | Bakker, Gijs et al. | nai010 Publishers |
Gino Sarfatti: Selected Works 1938–1973 | Romanelli, Marco et al. | Silvana Editoriale |
Gio Ponti: A World | Romanelli, Marco | Editrice Abitare Segesta |
Girls Standing on Lawns | Kalman, Maira et al. | The Museum of Modern Art |
Giuseppe Terragni | Eisenman, Peter | The Monacelli Press |
Giving Ground | Sorkin, Michael | Verso |
Gnostic Architecture | Moss, Eric Owen | The Monacelli Press |
Go: A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design | Kidd, Chip | Workman |
The Golden Age of Couture: Paris and London 1947–57 | Wilcox, Claire | V&A Publishing |
The Golden Age of DC Comics: 365 Days | Kidd, Chip | Abrams |
The Good Life: Perceptions of the Ordinary | Morrison, Jasper | Lars Müller Publishers |
The Good Life: New Public Spaces for Recreation | Ryan, Zoë | Princeton Architectural Press |
Gothic: Dark Glamour | Steele, Valerie et al. | Yale University Press and the Fashion Institute of Technology |
Grand Teton: A National Park Building | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, | ORO Editions |
Graphic Design in the Mechanical Age | Rothschild, Deborah et al. | Yale University Press |
Graphic Design Made Difficult | Gill, Bob | Van Nostrand Reinhold |
Graphic Design: The New Basics | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Graphic Design: Now in Production | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Walker Art Center; distributed by D.A.P. |
The Graphic Design Portfolio: How to Make a Good One | Scher, Paula | Watson-Guptill |
Graphic Design as a Second Language | Gill, Bob | Images Publishing |
Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
Graphic Design: A User’s Manual | Shaughnessy, Adrian | Laurence King Publishing |
Graphic Design: Visual Comparisons | Gill, Bob et al. | Reinhold |
The Graphic Edge | Poynor, Rick | Booth-Clibborn |
Graphic Style | Heller, Steven et al. | Abrams |
Graphic Thought Facility: Resourceful Design | Ryan, Zoë | Art Institute of Chicago; distributed by Yale University Press |
Graphic Wit | Heller, Steven et al. | Watson-Guptill |
Great Houses of New York, 1880–1930 | Kathrens, Michael C. | Acanthus Press |
Green Design | Fairs, Marcus et al. | Carlton Books |
The Green House | Stang, Alanna et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Green-eyed Mouse and the Blue-eyed Mouse | Gill, Bob | Phaidon Press |
Greg Lynn FORM | Rappolt, Mark et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Groundwork: Between Landscape and Architecture | Balmori, Diana et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Growing Up Underground | Heller, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
GRRRHHHH: A Study of Social Patterns | Lehrer, Warren et al. | EarSay |
Guardiola House | Eisenman, Peter | Aedes Galerie für Architektur und Raum |
Guest Book | Mayer H., Jürgen | Wolfgang Wittrock Kunsthandel |
Guggenheim New York/Guggenheim Bilbao | Stoller, Ezra et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Guide to Contemporary New York City Architecture | Hill, John | W. W. Norton |
A Guide to the Architecture of Washington, D.C. | Jacobsen, Hugh Newell | Praeger |
Gwathmey Siegel | Abercrombie, Stanley | Whitney Library of Design |
Gyroscopic Horizons | Denari, Neil M. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Hall of Femmes: Lillian Bassman | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hall of Femmes: Carin Goldberg | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hall of Femmes: Janet Froelich | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hall of Femmes: Lella Vignelli | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hall of Femmes: Paula Scher | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hall of Femmes: Ruth Ansel | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hall of Femmes: Tomoko Miho | Bouabana, Samira et al. | Hall of Femmes/Oyster Press |
Hand to Eye | Hyland, Angus et al. | Laurence King Publishing |
Handbags: A Lexicon of Style | Steele, Valerie | Rizzoli International Publications |
Handmade Modern | Oldham, Todd | HarperCollins |
Handwritten | Heller, Steven et al. | Thames & Hudson |
The Hard Life | Morrison, Jasper | Lars Müller Publishers |
Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates: Buildings and Projects 1967–1992 | Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates, et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates Buildings and Projects: 1993–1998 | Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates, et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Having Words | Scott Brown, Denise | Architectural Association Publications |
Hella Jongerius: Misfit | Schouwenberg, Louise et al. | Phaidon Press |
Hello, I am Erik | Erler, Johannes | Gestalten |
Hello World | Rawsthorn, Alice | Hamish Hamilton |
Henri Labrouste | Bélier, Corinne et al. | The Museum of Modern Art |
Henry Dunay: A Precious Life | Proddow, Penny et al. | Abrams |
Herb Lubalin | Shaughnessy, Adrian | Unit Editions |
Hertzian Tales | Dunne, Anthony | The MIT Press |
Highway | Polster, Bernd et al. | Stewart, Tabori & Chang |
Hodgetts + Fung | Hodgetts, Craig et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Hole Story | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Simon & Schuster |
Hollywood Jewels | Proddow, Penny et al. | Abrams |
Home: A Short History of an Idea | Rybczynski, Witold | Viking |
Home Delivery | Bergdoll, Barry et al. | The Museum of Modern Art |
Home Studio Home, Providence, RI | Oldham, Todd et al. | AMMO Books |
Home Swell Home | Rowley, Cynthia et al. | Atria Books |
The Home: Exciting New Designs for Today’s Lifestyles | Szenasy, Susan S. | Macmillan |
Horizontal Skyscraper | Holl, Steven | William Stout Publishers |
Hospitality & Restaurant Design | Abercrombie, Stanley | Visual Reference Publications |
House & Garden Book of Style | Browning, Dominique | Clarkson Potter |
House: Black Swan Theory | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
A House for an Art Collector | Adjaye, David | Rizzoli International Publications |
House of Worship | Browning, Dominique | Assouline |
House X | Eisenman, Peter | Rizzoli International Publications |
Houses of Cards | Eisenman, Peter | Oxford University Press |
Houses of Los Angeles, vol. 1 | Watters, Sam | Acanthus Press |
Houses of Los Angeles, vol. 2 | Watters, Sam | Acanthus Press |
The Houses of the Hamptons | Goldberger, Paul | Knopf |
How Architecture Works | Rybczynski, Witold | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
How Posters Work | Lupton, Ellen | Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum |
How To Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul | Shaughnessy, Adrian | Princeton Architectural Press |
How to Have Style | Mizrahi, Isaac | Penguin |
How To Think Like A Great Graphic Designer | Millman, Debbie | Allworth Press |
Hugh Newell Jacobsen, Architect | Jacobsen, Hugh Newell et al. | American Institute of Architects Press |
Hugh Newell Jacobsen, Architect: 1993–2006 | Jacobsen, Hugh Newell et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Hugh Newell Jacobsen, Architect: Recent Work | Jacobsen, Hugh Newell et al. | Rockport Publishers |
Human Information Processing | Norman, Donald et al. | Academic Press |
Human Nature | Massaud, Jean-Marie | Time & Style |
Humanscale | Diffrient, Niels | The MIT Press |
Hyperlinks: Architecture and Design | Ryan, Zoë et al. | Yale University Press |
I Heart Design | Heller, Steven | Rockport Publishers |
I Keep Changing | Gill, Bob | Scroll Press |
i mean you know | Lehrer, Warren | Visual Studies Workshop Press/EarSay |
I Want to Change the World | Rashid, Karim | Rizzoli International Publications |
I Wonder | Bantjes, Marian | The Monacelli Press |
Iconic America | Lois, George et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Iconography and Electronics upon a Generic Architecture | Venturi, Robert | The MIT Press |
Idea and Phenomena | Holl, Steven | Lars Müller Publishers |
Identify | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Print Publishing |
Illustration | Gill, Bob | Images Publishing |
Images of a Grand Tour | Graves, Michael et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Implicate and Explicate: Aga Khan Award for Architecture | Mostafavi, Mohsen | Lars Müller Publishers |
In Search of the Miraculous | Glaser, Milton et al. | Overlook Press |
In the Life of Cities | Mostafavi, Mohsen | Lars Müller Publishers |
Indefensible Space | Sorkin, Michael | Routledge |
The Indefinite Duchamp | Girst, Thomas | Hatje Cantz |
Indie Publishing: How to Design and Produce Your Own Book | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Infamous Chair | Friedrichs, Arnd et al. | Gestalten |
Information Anxiety 2 | Wurman, Richard Saul | Que |
Information Architects | Wurman, Richard Saul et al. | Graphis |
Inga Sempé: Illuminated by Wästberg | Sempé, Inga | Wästberg |
Innovators of American Illustration | Heller, Steven | Van Nostrand Reinhold |
Inside James Stirling | Hodgetts, Craig | Walker Art Center |
Inside the Sponge | Ratti, Carlo | CCA Publications |
Instant Icon | Skibsted, Jens Martin et al. | Gyldendal Business |
Instigations | Mostafavi, Mohsen et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Interior Design and Decoration (5th and 6th eds.) | Abercrombie, Stanley et al. | Prentice-Hall |
Interiors with Edra: Volume II | Romanelli, Marco | Silvana Editoriale |
The International Style: Exhibition 15 and The Museum of Modern Art | Riley, Terence | Columbia University/Rizzoli |
Interrupted Projections | Denari, Neil M. | TOTO |
Intertwining | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
Intricacy | Lynn, Greg et al. | ICA Philadelphia |
The Invisible Computer | Norman, Donald | The MIT Press |
Iron Fists | Heller, Steven | Phaidon Press |
Irving Harper: Works in Paper | Maharam, Michael et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Isabel Toledo: Fashion from the Inside Out | Steele, Valerie | Yale University Press and the Fashion Institute of Technology |
Isamu Noguchi and Isamu Kenmochi | Rychlak, Bonnie et al. | Five Ties Publications in association with the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum |
Isamu Noguchi: Sculptural Design | Vegesack, Alexander von et al. | Vitra Design Museum |
It Is What It Is | Rock, Michael | 2x4, Inc. |
Italian Art Deco | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Italianissimo | Fili, Louise et al. | The Little Bookroom |
Italy: The New Domestic Landscape | Ambasz, Emilio | The Museum of Modern Art |
Ivan Chermayeff Collages | Chermayeff, Ivan | Abrams |
J. Mayer H. | Mayer H., Jürgen | Hatje Cantz |
James “Athenian” Stuart: The Rediscovery of Antiquity | Weber, Susan | Yale University Press and Bard Graduate Center |
Jan van Toorn: Critical Practice | Poynor, Rick | nai010 Publishers |
Japan Fashion Now | Steele, Valerie | Yale University Press and the Fashion Institute of Technology |
Japonism in Fashion | Fukai, Akiko | Heibonsha |
Jasper Morrison au musée (Jasper Morrison at the Museum) | Morrison, Jasper | Bernard Chauveau Éditeur |
Jeffrey Bilhuber’s Design Basics | Bilhuber, Jeffrey et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Jewelry and Design | Romanelli, Marco et al. | Skira |
Joan Jett | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Joe Colombo: Interior and Lighting Design | Romanelli, Marco | Oluce |
John Margolies: Roadside America | Margolies, John et al. | TASCHEN |
John Rombola: Eclectic Eccentric | Vienne, Véronique | Allworth Press |
John Waters | Oldham, Todd et al. | AMMO Books |
Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic Accessorizing | Adler, Jonathan | Sterling Innovation |
Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic Colors | Adler, Jonathan | Sterling Innovation |
Joshua Tree | VanderLans, Rudy et al. | Emigre |
Judith Turner Photographs: Five Architects | Turner, Judith et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Just Design | Simmons, Christopher et al. | HOW Books |
KarimSpace | Rashid, Karim | Rizzoli International Publications |
Karl Friedrich Schinkel: An Architecture for Prussia | Bergdoll, Barry | Rizzoli International Publications |
Kavesom | Skibsted, Jens Martin | Attika |
Keep it Simple | Esslinger, Hartmut | ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers |
Ken Garland | Shaughnessy, Adrian | Unit Editions |
Kengo Kuma: Complete Works | Frampton, Kenneth | Thames & Hudson |
Kid Made Modern | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Kid Made Modern: All About Collage | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Kid Made Modern: All About Dye | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Kid Made Modern: All About Embroidery | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Kid Made Modern: All About Fabric Printing | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
KM3: Excursions on Capacities | MVRDV, | Actar |
Konstantin Grcic: Decisive Design | Ryan, Zoë | Art Institute of Chicago; distributed by Yale University Press |
K/R | Riley, Terence | Ten Thousand One |
La Cintura di Orione | Alessi, Alberto | Longanesi |
La linea del fuoco | Libeskind, Daniel et al. | Quodlibet Abitare |
La Nueva Villa Getty | Silvetti, Jorge et al. | General de Ediciones de Arquitectura |
Labour, Work and Architecture | Frampton, Kenneth | Phaidon Press |
Land and Natural Development (LAND) Code | Balmori, Diana et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
A Landscape Manifesto | Balmori, Diana et al. | Yale University Press |
The Language of Luxe | Ng, Ed et al. | ORO Editions |
Last Harvest: How a Cornfield Became New Daleville | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
Latin American Architecture: Six Voices (Studies in Architecture and Culture, No. 5) | Quantrill, Malcolm et al. | Texas A&M University Press |
The Laws of Simplicity | Maeda, John | The MIT Press |
Layered Urbanisms | Pasquarelli, Gregg et al. | W. W. Norton |
Le Corbusier | Frampton, Kenneth | Thames & Hudson |
Le Corbusier: Architect of the Twentieth Century | Frampton, Kenneth et al. | Abrams |
The Learners: The Book After The Cheese Monkeys | Kidd, Chip | Scribner |
Learning and Memory | Norman, Donald | W.H. Freeman |
Learning from Las Vegas | Venturi, Robert et al. | The MIT Press |
Ledge House | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, | Rockport Publishers |
The Left-Handed Designer | Chwast, Seymour | Abrams |
The Leipzig Book of Drawings | Ritchie, Ian | Royal Academy of Arts |
Lella and Massimo Vignelli: Design is One | Vignelli, Massimo et al. | Images Publishing |
Léon Vaudoyer: Historicism in the Age of Industry | Bergdoll, Barry | The MIT Press |
Liberty Bell Center | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, | ORO Editions |
A Life In Books | Lehrer, Warren | ORO Editions |
Light: The Complete Handbook of Lighting Design | Szenasy, Susan S. | Running Press Book Publishers |
Light Construction | Riley, Terence | The Museum of Modern Art |
Lines | Ritchie, Ian | Royal Academy of Arts |
Little Black Dress | Talley, André Leon | Rizzoli International Publications |
Living Architecture: Greatest American Houses of the 20th Century | Browning, Dominique et al. | Assouline |
Living with Complexity | Norman, Donald | The MIT Press |
Illustration: Aspects and Directions | Gill, Bob et al. | Reinhold |
Local Code | Sorkin, Michael | Princeton Architectural Press |
Logique/Visuelle: The Architecture of Louis Vuitton (2 vols.) | Mostafavi, Mohsen et al. | Louis Vuitton |
LogoMania | Gill, Bob | Rockport Publishers |
Logos A to Z | Fili, Louise | Louise Fili |
Logos A to Z Three | Fili, Louise | Louise Fili |
Long May She Wave: A Graphic History of the American Flag | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | Ten Speed Press |
Look Both Ways: Illustrated Essays on the Intersection of Life and Design | Millman, Debbie | HOW Books |
The Look of Architecture | Rybczynski, Witold | Oxford University Press |
Looking Around: A Journey Through Architecture | Rybczynski, Witold | Viking |
Looking at Lincoln | Kalman, Maira | Penguin |
Looking Back: Freeman Lau’s Poster Design (倒後看- 劉小康海報設計) | Lau, Freeman | Kan & Lau Design Consultants (靳與劉設計顧問) |
Looking Closer 3: Critical Writings on Graphic Design | Bierut, Michael et al. | Allworth Press |
LOT-EK: Urban Scan | Tolla, Ada et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Louis I. Kahn Esherick House | Iovine, Julie et al. | Wright |
Louis Vuitton: Architecture and Interiors | Mostafavi, Mohsen | Rizzoli International Publications |
Luminosity/Porosity | Holl, Steven | TOTO |
M³: modeled works [archive] 1972-2022 | Mayne, Thom | Rizzoli International Publications |
Ma dove sono finiti gli inventori? Lorenzo Damiani | Romanelli, Marco | Electa |
MADE 4 YOU: Design für den Wandel/Design for Change | Thun-Hohenstein, Christoph et al. | MAK, Vienna |
Made in USA | Patton, Phil | Grove Weidenfeld |
Made with FontFont | Spiekermann, Erik et al. | BIS Publishers |
Made You Look | Sagmeister, Stefan | Abrams |
Maeda@Media | Maeda, John | Rizzoli International Publications |
Mag Men: Fifty Years of Making Magazines | Glaser, Milton et al. | Columbia University Press |
Maharam Agenda | Maharam, Michael | Lars Müller Publishers |
Make It Bigger | Scher, Paula | Princeton Architectural Press |
Make It Fabulous | Georgis, William T. et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Makeshift Metropolis: Ideas about Cities | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
Mapping in the Age of Digital Media | Balmori, Diana et al. | John Wiley & Sons |
Maps | Scher, Paula | Princeton Architectural Press |
Marc Newson | Rawsthorn, Alice | Booth-Clibborn |
Marcel Duchamp in Munich 1912 | Girst, Thomas | Schirmer/Mosel |
Margaret McCurry | McCurry, Margaret | The Monacelli Press |
Marian Bantjes: Pretty Pictures | Bantjes, Marian | Metropolis Books |
Master of Shadows | Lamster, Mark | Nan. A. Talese/Doubleday; HarperCollins |
Mastering McKim’s Plan: Columbia’s First Century on Morningside Heights | Bergdoll, Barry | Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University |
Masterworks: Italian Design, 1960–1994 | Miller, R. Craig | American Federation of Arts |
Matali Crasset: Works | Crasset, Matali et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Matteo Thun: The Index Book | Thun, Matteo | Hatje Cantz |
Mattia Bonetti | Krakoff, Reed et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Max Makes a Million | Kalman, Maira | Viking |
Maynard L. Parker: Modern Photography and the American Dream | Watts, Jennifer A. et al. | Yale University Press |
Meet Me by the Fountain | Lange, Alexandra | Bloomsbury |
Memory and Attention | Norman, Donald | Wiley |
Men and Women: Dressing the Part | Steele, Valerie et al. | Smithsonian Institution Press |
Mensa Karlsruhe | Mayer H., Jürgen | Finanzministerium Baden-Wuerttemberg |
Merz to Emigre and Beyond | Heller, Steven | Phaidon Press |
Michael Graves | Graves, Michael | Rizzoli International Publications |
Michael Graves | Graves, Michael | Princeton Architectural Press |
Michael Graves | Graves, Michael | Rizzoli International Publications |
Michael Graves | Graves, Michael | Rizzoli International Publications |
Michael Graves: Compact Design Portfolio | Iovine, Julie et al. | Chronicle Books |
Michael Graves Designs | Graves, Michael et al. | DK Melcher Media |
Michael Sorkin Studio: Wiggle | Sorkin, Michael | The Monacelli Press |
Microinteractions | Saffer, Dan | O’Reilly |
Mies in America | Lambert, Phyllis | Abrams |
Mies in Berlin | Riley, Terence et al. | The Museum of Modern Art |
Mies van der Rohe: The Krefeld Villas | Kleinman, Kent et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Millionaires | Gill, Bob et al. | Simon & Schuster |
Milton Glaser: Graphic Design | Glaser, Milton | Overlook Press |
Milton Glaser: POP | Heller, Steven et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Minimum Means, Maximum Meaning | Tscherny, George | Southeast University Press |
Mixer | Robbins, Mark et al. | Edizioni Press |
Mixing Messages | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
Models of Human Memory | Norman, Donald | Academic Press |
Modern Americana | Iovine, Julie et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Modern Architecture, 1851-1945 | Frampton, Kenneth et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Modern Architecture: A Critical History | Frampton, Kenneth | Thames & Hudson |
Modern Design in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1890–1990 | Miller, R. Craig | Abrams |
Modern Fashion in Detail | Wilcox, Claire et al. | V&A Publishing |
The Moderns | Heller, Steven et al. | Abrams |
More Dark Than Shark | Poynor, Rick et al. | Faber & Faber |
More Logos A to Z | Fili, Louise | Louise Fili |
Morla : Design | Morla, Jennifer | Letterform Archive |
Morphosis: Buildings & Projects, 1973–1988, Volume I | Mayne, Thom et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Morphosis: Buildings & Projects, 1989–1992, Volume II | Mayne, Thom et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Morphosis: Buildings & Projects, 1993–1997, Volume III | Mayne, Thom et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Morphosis: Buildings & Projects, 1998–2004, Volume IV | Mayne, Thom et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Morphosis: Buildings & Projects, 2004-2018, Volume VI | Mayne, Thom | Rizzoli International Publications |
Morphosis: Buildings & Projects, Volume V | Mayne, Thom | Rizzoli International Publications |
Morphosis: Connected Isolation | Mayne, Thom | Academy Editions |
The Most Beautiful House in the World | Rybczynski, Witold | Viking |
Multiple Signatures | Rock, Michael | Rizzoli International Publications |
MVRDV 1997–2002: Stacking and Layering | MVRDV, | El Croquis |
MVRDV at VPRO | MVRDV, et al. | Actar |
MVRDV Buildings | MVRDV, et al. | nai010 Publishers |
MVRDV: Agendas on Urbanism | de Vries, Nathalie et al. | Equal Books |
My Favorite Things | Kalman, Maira | Harper Design |
My Prescription for Anti-Depressive Living | Adler, Jonathan | Regan Books |
My Two Polish Grandfathers: and Other Essays on the Imaginative Life | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
Mysteries of the Mall | Rybczynski, Witold | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
The Nature of Circumstance | Bohlin, Peter et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Navigation for the Internet and Other Digital Media | Zwick, Carola et al. | AVA Publishing |
Near Sitings | Turner, Judith | City Arts Center (Oklahoma City) |
The New French Interior | Baird, Penny Drue | The Monacelli Press |
The New Garden Paradise | Browning, Dominique | W. W. Norton |
New Haiti Villages | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
New Modernist Type | Heller, Steven et al. | Thames & Hudson |
New Ornamental Type | Heller, Steven et al. | Thames & Hudson |
New Vintage Type | Heller, Steven et al. | Thames & Hudson |
New York Talk Exchange: A Project for MoMa | Ratti, Carlo | SA+P Press |
New York: World City | Balfour, Alan | Academy Editions |
Newport Villas | Kathrens, Michael C. | W. W. Norton |
The Next Jerusalem | Sorkin, Michael | The Monacelli Press |
Nicky D. From L.I.C.: A Narrative Portrait of Nicholas DeTomasso | Lehrer, Warren | Bay Press |
Nigel Coates: The City in Motion | Poynor, Rick | Rizzoli International Publications |
A Night in Tunisia | Weinstein, Norman | Hal Leonard Corporation, Limelight Editions |
Nigihaven na der Zen | Mayer H., Jürgen | Kulturamt der Stadt Vaihingen an der Enz |
No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism | Poynor, Rick | Yale University Press |
No Wrong Notes | Weinstein, Norman | Spuyten Duyvil |
Norman Foster and the British Museum | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Norman Foster Works 1 | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Norman Foster Works 2 | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Norman Foster Works 3 | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Norman Foster Works 4 | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Norman Foster Works 5 | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Norman Foster Works 6 | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Not in Production, Next to Production | Alessi, Alberto | Alessi S.p.A. |
The Notebooks and Drawings of Louis I. Kahn | Wurman, Richard Saul et al. | The MIT Press |
Now I Sit Me Down | Rybczynski, Witold | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
Now is Better | Sagmeister, Stefan | Phaidon Press |
Nudging Graphic Design | VanderLans, Rudy | Princeton Architectural Press |
Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World | Poynor, Rick | Birkhäuser |
Observations for Young Architects | Pelli, Cesar | The Monacelli Press |
Observations on American Architecture | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Viking |
Office Furniture (The Office Book Design Series) | Szenasy, Susan S. | Facts on File |
On Foster . . . Foster On | Foster, Norman et al. | Prestel Publishing |
On the Rise: Architecture and Design in a Post-Modern Age | Goldberger, Paul | Penguin |
On Weathering | Mostafavi, Mohsen et al. | The MIT Press |
On-Site | Riley, Terence | The Museum of Modern Art |
One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
100 Dresses | Koda, Harold | Yale University Press |
100 Shoes | Koda, Harold et al. | Yale University Press |
100 American Flags: A Unique Collection of Old Glory Memorabilia | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | Ten Speed Press |
100 Baseball Icons: From the National Baseball Hall of Fame | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | Ten Speed Press |
100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design | Heller, Steven et al. | Laurence King Publishing |
Ooh-la-la (Max in Love) | Kalman, Maira | Viking |
Open Road | Patton, Phil | Simon & Schuster |
Opening the Gates of Eighteenth-Century Montréal | Lambert, Phyllis et al. | CCA Publications |
Orientales | Giovannoni, Stefano et al. | Gli Ori |
Pages From an Imaginary Book | VanderLans, Rudy | Onestar Press |
Palm Desert | VanderLans, Rudy | Emigre |
Paolo Ulian: Il marmo tra classicità e contemporaneità | Romanelli, Marco | Edizioni Corraini |
Paper Heroes: A Review of Appropriate Technology | Rybczynski, Witold | Anchor Press/Doubleday |
Parables & Pieces | Turner, Judith et al. | Vincent FitzGerald & Co. |
Paradigmaticità delle arti decorative | Danese, Bruno et al. | Association Jacqueline Vodoz et Bruno Danese |
Parallax | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
Paris Fashion: A Cultural History | Steele, Valerie | Oxford University Press |
Paris Fashion: Mode for Consumption, Consumption for Mode (Pari korekushon: modo no seisei modo no hisho) | Fukai, Akiko | Kodansha |
Paths of Desire | Browning, Dominique | Scribner |
Paul Rand | Heller, Steven | Phaidon Press |
Paul Rand: American Modernist | Helfand, Jessica | Winterhouse Editions |
Peanuts: The Art of Charles M. Schulz | Kidd, Chip et al. | Pantheon |
Pêle-Mêle (Pieces of a Pattern: Lacroix by Lacroix) | Lacroix, Christian et al. | Thames & Hudson |
Pen and Mouse | Hyland, Angus et al. | Watson-Guptill |
The Pentagram Papers | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | Chronicle Books |
The Perfect House: A Journey with the Renaissance Master Andrea Palladio | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
Perspectives on Cognitive Science | Norman, Donald | Erlbaum |
Peter Eisenman and Frank Gehry | Eisenman, Peter et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Peter Teuful: A Tale of Car Design in 3 Parts | Bangle, Chris | Chris Bangle Associates |
Metropol Parasol | Mayer H., Jürgen | Hatje Cantz |
A Philosophy of Interior Design | Abercrombie, Stanley | Harper & Row |
Pictures and Fashion (Meiga To Fasshon) | Fukai, Akiko | Shogakukan |
Pino Tovaglia: La regola che corregge l’emozione (Pino Tovaglia: The Rule that Corrects Emotion) | Pitis, Massimo | Edizioni Corraini |
A Place for Art | Rybczynski, Witold | The National Gallery of Canada |
Pleasure | Rockwell, David | Universe |
Plymouth Theatre Royal Production Centre | Ritchie, Ian | Categorical Books |
The Poetics of a Wall Projection | Turnovsky, Jan et al. | Architectural Association Publications |
Portrait d’une collection: Alexander von Vegesack | Jousset, Marie-Laure et al. | Editions du Centre Pompidou |
Portsmouth | Balfour, Alan | Studio Vista |
Post-Ductility | Bell, Michael et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Poster Man: 50 Years of Iconic Graphic Design | Chwast, Seymour et al. | Schiffer Publishing |
Prefab | Arieff, Allison et al. | Gibbs Smith |
Presence | Yim, Rocco | MCCM Creations |
The Present | Gill, Bob | Chronicle Books |
The Princeton Architectural Journal Volume 4: Fetish | Lynn, Greg et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Principles of Uncertainty | Kalman, Maira | Penguin |
Private and Executive Offices (The Office Book Design Series) | Szenasy, Susan S. | Facts on File |
Process Architecture (No. 133): Diana Balmori, Landscape Works | Balmori, Diana | Books Nippan |
Prototype! Physical, Virtual, Hybrid, Smart | Adenauer, Julian et al. | Form + Zweck |
Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain | Wolf, Maryanne | HarperCollins |
Provoking Magic: Lighting of Ingo Maurer | Hastreiter, Kim et al. | Assouline |
The Push Pin Graphic | Chwast, Seymour | Chronicle Books |
Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture | Holl, Steven et al. | William Stout Publishers |
Qui est là? | Lacroix, Christian | Mercure de France |
Radical Fashion | Wilcox, Claire | V&A Publishing |
Ralph Rucci: The Art of Weightlessness | Steele, Valerie et al. | Yale University Press and the Fashion Institute of Technology |
Rapport | Mayer H., Jürgen | The Green Box |
Razzle-Dazzle | Patton, Phil | Dial Press |
RE.FLECKS | Mayer H., Jürgen | Druckerei Elsholz GmbH |
Reading Fashion from Pictures (Fasshon kara meiga o yomu) | Fukai, Akiko | PHP Research Institute |
Reconnecting Cultures | Yim, Rocco et al. | Artifice Books on Architecture |
The Red Dress | Steele, Valerie | Rizzoli International Publications |
Redesigning Leadership | Maeda, John et al. | The MIT Press |
Redesigning the American Lawn: A Search for Environmental Harmony | Balmori, Diana et al. | Yale University Press |
Reflections | Foster, Norman | Prestel Publishing |
Reinventing the Wheel | Helfand, Jessica | Princeton Architectural Press |
Relations in the Architecture of Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa | Idenburg, Florian | Postmedia |
Répertoire pour une forme (Repertory for a Form) | Morrison, Jasper et al. | Bernard Chauveau Éditeur |
Rethinking Design and Interiors | Caan, Shashi | Laurence King Publishing |
Reveal: Studio Gang Architects | Gang, Jeanne | Princeton Architectural Press |
Reverse Effect | Gang, Jeanne | Studio Gang Architects |
Re:Working Eisenman | Eisenman, Peter | Ernst & Sohn |
Rhyme & Reason: A Typographic Novel | Spiekermann, Erik | H. Berthold |
Richard Meier Architect Vol. 1 | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Meier Architect Vol. 2 | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Meier Architect Vol. 3 | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Meier Architect Vol. 4 | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Meier Architect Vol. 5 | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Meier & Partners: | Meier, Richard | TASCHEN |
Richard Meier Houses and Apartments | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Meier Museums | Meier, Richard | Rizzoli International Publications |
Richard Sachs: Bicycle Maker | Czerula, Nick et al. | Nick Czerula Creative |
Ricostruzione teorica di un artista: Bruno Munari | Danese, Bruno et al. | Association Jacqueline Vodoz et Bruno Danese |
Rises in the East: A Gallery in Whitechapel | Schwarz, Katrina et al. | Whitechapel Gallery |
Rising Currents | Bergdoll, Barry | The Museum of Modern Art |
Rockefeller Center: Architecture as Theater | Balfour, Alan | McGraw-Hill |
Ron Arad | Krakoff, Reed | Assouline |
Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec: Drawing | Bouroullec, Ronan et al. | JRP Ringier with D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers |
Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec | Bouroullec, Ronan et al. | Phaidon Press |
Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec: Bivouac | Guénin, Hélène et al. | Éditions Centre Pompidou-Metz |
Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec: Lianes | Bouroullec, Ronan et al. | JRP Ringier with D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers |
Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec: Objets Dessins Maquettes | Bouroullec, Ronan et al. | Archibooks |
Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec: Works | Koivu, Anniina et al. | Phaidon Press |
The RSC Courtyard Theatre | Ritchie, Ian | Categorical Books |
Rudolf Arnheim | Kleinman, Kent et al. | University of Michigan Press |
Saarinen House and Garden | Balmori, Diana et al. | Abrams |
Sagmeister: Another Book About Promotion and Sales Material | Sagmeister, Stefan et al. | Abrams |
The SANAA Studios, 2006–2008: Learning from Japan, Single Story Urbanism | Idenburg, Florian | Lars Müller Publishers |
Satellites of Fashion | Wilcox, Claire | Crafts Council |
The Savage Mirror | Heller, Steven et al. | Watson-Guptill |
Saving Wright | Chusid, Jeffrey M. | W. W. Norton |
Sayonara, Mrs. Kackleman | Kalman, Maira | Viking |
Scaly Facts | Chermayeff, Ivan | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |
Schiaparelli and Prada | Bolton, Andrew et al. | Yale University Press |
Schlepping Through Ambivalence | Tigerman, Stanley et al. | Yale University Press |
Scrapbooks: An American History | Helfand, Jessica | Yale University Press |
Screen: Essays on Graphic Design, New Media, and Visual Culture | Helfand, Jessica | Princeton Architectural Press |
Scripts | Heller, Steven et al. | Thames & Hudson |
The Secular Furniture of E. W. Godwin | Weber, Susan | Yale University Press and Bard Graduate Center |
Seeing Ambiguity | Turner, Judith et al. | Edition Axel Menges |
The Seen and the Hidden: [Dis]covering the Veil | Stadler, Andreas et al. | Austrian Cultural Forum |
Self-Portrait as Your Traitor | Millman, Debbie et al. | HOW Books |
$ellebrity | Lois, George | Phaidon Press |
Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design | Bierut, Michael | Princeton Architectural Press |
Seymour Chwast: Inspiration and Process in Design | Heller, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
Seymour Chwast: At War with War | Chwast, Seymour | Pushpin Editions |
Seymour: The Obsessive Images of Seymour Chwast | Chwast, Seymour | Chronicle Books |
Shadow Type | Heller, Steven et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Shanghai: World City | Balfour, Alan et al. | Academy Editions |
Shape of Sound | Meyers, Victoria | Artifice Books on Architecture |
Shazam! | Kidd, Chip et al. | Abrams |
Shigeru Ban: Timber in Architecture | Ban, Shigeru | Rizzoli International Publications |
Shoe Obsession | Steele, Valerie et al. | Yale University Press |
Shoes: A Lexicon of Style | Steele, Valerie | Rizzoli International Publications |
Simply Droog: 10+1 Years of Creating Innovation and Discussion | Droog Design, | Droog Design |
Site and Sound | Newhouse, Victoria | The Monacelli Press |
Site Specific: The Work of Weiss/Manfredi Architects | Manfredi, Michael et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Sketch | Rashid, Karim | Frame Publishers |
Skin: Substance, Surface, and Design | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
The Skyscraper | Goldberger, Paul | Knopf |
Slim: A Fantasy Memoir | Rowley, Cynthia et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Slow Love | Browning, Dominique | Atlas |
Smart City, Smart Citizen | Ratti, Carlo | EGEA |
Smartypants (Pete in School) | Kalman, Maira | Putnam |
Snøhetta Works | Snøhetta, | Lars Müller Publishers |
Solomon’s Temple | Balfour, Alan | John Wiley & Sons |
Some Assembly Required | Sorkin, Michael | University of Minnesota Press |
Some People Can’t Surf: The Graphic Design of Art Chantry | Lasky, Julie | Chronicle Books |
Something to Be Desired: Essays on Design | Vienne, Véronique | Graphis |
Sou Fujimoto: Musashino Art Museum University & Library | Fujimoto, Sou | INAX |
Sou Fujimoto: Primitive Future | Fujimoto, Sou | INAX |
Sou Fujimoto: Sketchbook | Fujimoto, Sou | Lars Müller Publishers |
Spa | Arieff, Allison et al. | TASCHEN |
Spalding’s World Tour | Lamster, Mark | Public Affairs |
Spectacle | Rockwell, David et al. | Phaidon Press |
Speculative Everything | Dunne, Anthony et al. | The MIT Press |
The Spire | Ritchie, Ian | Categorical Books |
Spiritually Moving: A Collection of American Folk Art Sculpture | Geismar, Tom et al. | Abrams |
Stanley Tigerman: Buildings and Projects, 1966–1989 | Tigerman, Stanley et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Starting from Zero | Sorkin, Michael | Routledge |
Stephen Burrows: When Fashion Danced | Burrows, Stephen et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Steven Holl—Color Light Time | Holl, Steven | Lars Müller Publishers |
Steven Holl—Scale | Holl, Steven et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Stop Stealing Sheep, 4th edition | Spiekermann, Erik | TOC |
Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works | Spiekermann, Erik | Adobe Press |
The Story of Architecture | Rybczynski, Witold | Yale University Press |
Strange Objects, New Solids and Massive Things | Dubbeldam, Winka | Actar |
Streamline | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Structure as Space | Mostafavi, Mohsen et al. | Architectural Association Publications |
Studentenfutter | Spiekermann, Erik | Context GmbH |
Studies in Tectonic Culture | Frampton, Kenneth | The MIT Press |
Studio Culture | Brook, Tony et al. | Unit Editions |
Stylepedia | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Styles d’aujourd’hui | Lacroix, Christian et al. | Promeneur |
Sundance Film Festival A to Z | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Super Normal | Fukasawa, Naoto et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Supergraphics—Transforming Space | Brook, Tony et al. | Unit Editions |
Supermarket | VanderLans, Rudy | Gingko Press |
Supernew Supergraphics | Brook, Tony et al. | Unit Editions |
Surface Architecture | Leatherbarrow, David et al. | The MIT Press |
Surphase Architecture | Mayer H., Jürgen | Galerie und Architekturforum |
Suspects, Smokers, Soldiers, and Salesladies: Collages by Ivan Chermayeff | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Lars Müller Publishers |
Swami on Rye (Max in India) | Kalman, Maira | Viking |
Swarm | Lupton, Ellen et al. | Fabric Workshop and Museum |
The Swastika | Heller, Steven | Allworth Press |
The Swell Dressed Party | Rowley, Cynthia et al. | Atria Books |
Swell: A Girl’s Guide to the Good Life | Rowley, Cynthia et al. | Warner Books |
Swell Holiday | Rowley, Cynthia et al. | Atria Books |
Symbol | Hyland, Angus et al. | Laurence King Publishing |
Symbol (Mini Edition) | Bateman, Steven et al. | Laurence King Publishing |
Symbols: A Handbook for Seeing | Fox, Mark et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Szenasy, Design Advocate | Szenasy, Susan S. et al. | Metropolis Books |
Tall Buildings | Riley, Terence et al. | The Museum of Modern Art |
Taller de Enrique Norten Arquitectos: Temas y Variaciones | Norten, Enrique | Landucci Editores |
Taming The Tiger: The Struggle to Control Technology | Rybczynski, Witold | Viking |
A Taxonomy of Office Chairs | Olivares, Jonathan | Phaidon Press |
Teaching Graphic Design History | Heller, Steven | Allworth Press |
TEN Arquitectos | Norten, Enrique | The Monacelli Press |
Ten Canonical Buildings | Eisenman, Peter | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Ten Faces of Innovation | Kelley, Tom et al. | Doubleday |
The Architecture of Luis Barragán | Ambasz, Emilio | The Museum of Modern Art |
The Space of Encounter | Libeskind, Daniel | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Uncertainty of Doing | Moss, Eric Owen et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
The Wexner Center for the Visual Arts | Eisenman, Peter | Rizzoli International Publications |
Theater of Architecture | Hardy, Hugh | Princeton Architectural Press |
Thermal Baths at Vals (Exemplary Projects) | Zumthor, Peter et al. | Architectural Association Publications |
Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far | Sagmeister, Stefan | Abrams |
Things I have learned in my life so far, Updated Edition | Sagmeister, Stefan | Abrams |
Things That Make Us Smart | Norman, Donald | Addison-Wesley |
The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture | Pallasmaa, Juhani | John Wiley & Sons |
Thinking with Type | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
33 | Wurman, Richard Saul | Greenway Communications |
Thomas Jeckyll: Architect and Designer, 1827–1881 | Weber, Susan et al. | Yale University Press and Bard Graduate Center |
Thomas Jefferson: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Everything | Kalman, Maira | Penguin |
Tibor Kalman: Perverse Optimist | Bierut, Michael et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Tihany Style | Tihany, Adam | Electa |
Tihany: Iconic Hotel and Restaurant Interiors | Tihany, Adam et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
Timeless Elegance | Easton, David et al. | Abrams |
TM: Trademarks Designed by Chermayeff & Geismar | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Tom Kundig: Houses | Kundig, Tom et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Tom Kundig: Houses 2 | Kundig, Tom | Princeton Architectural Press |
Tony Duquette | Goodman, Wendy et al. | Abrams |
Towards a New Museum | Newhouse, Victoria | The Monacelli Press |
Tra fiume e città: Paesaggi, progetti e principi | Balmori, Diana | Bollati Boringhieri |
Trailer Travel: A Visual History of Mobile America | Arieff, Allison et al. | Gibbs Smith |
True Prep | Birnbach, Lisa et al. | Knopf |
Turn Signals Are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles | Norman, Donald | Addison-Wesley |
20th Century Classic Cars | Heimann, Jim et al. | TASCHEN |
Twenty Minutes in Manhattan | Sorkin, Michael | Reaktion Books |
21st Century Design: New Design Icons from Mass Market to Avant-Garde | Fairs, Marcus | Carlton Books |
Type on Screen | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press |
Type Only | Sinclair, Mark et al. | Unit Editions |
Type Speaks | Heller, Steven et al. | Abrams |
Type Tells Tales | Heller, Steven et al. | Yale University Press |
Typewise | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | North Light Books |
Typographic Universe | Heller, Steven et al. | Thames & Hudson |
Typographica | Poynor, Rick | Princeton Architectural Press |
Typography Now: The Next Wave | Poynor, Rick et al. | Booth-Clibborn |
Typography Now Two: Implosion | Poynor, Rick | Booth-Clibborn |
Typography Sketchbooks | Heller, Steven et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Typology | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Über Schrift | Spiekermann, Erik | Hermann Schmidt |
Umberto Riva: muovendo dalla pittura | Danese, Bruno et al. | Association Jacqueline Vodoz et Bruno Danese |
The Un-Private House | Riley, Terence | The Museum of Modern Art |
Uncanny: Surrealism and Graphic Design | Poynor, Rick | Moravian Gallery |
Understanding Architecture | McCarter, Robert et al. | Phaidon Press |
Understanding Understanding | Wurman, Richard Saul | Richard Saul Wurman and Jack Dangermond |
(un)Fashion | Kalman, Tibor et al. | Abrams |
Unspecial Effects for Graphic Designers | Gill, Bob | Graphis |
Up From Zero: Politics, Architecture, and the Rebuilding of New York | Goldberger, Paul | Random House |
Ups and Downs | Gill, Bob | Addison-Wesley |
Urban Concepts | Scott Brown, Denise | St. Martin’s Press |
Urbanisms: Working with Doubt | Holl, Steven | Princeton Architectural Press |
USDesign: 1975–2000 | Miller, R. Craig | Prestel Publishing |
Usefulness in Small Things | Colin, Kim et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
User Centered System Design | Norman, Donald et al. | Erlbaum |
Van Cleef & Arpels: Timeless Beauty | Barral, Xavier et al. | Xavier Barral Editions |
Variations on a Theme Park | Sorkin, Michael | Hill and Wang/Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
Vaughan Oliver: Visceral Pleasures | Poynor, Rick | Booth-Clibborn |
Vegetables | Hinrichs, Kit et al. | Chronicle Books |
versations | Lehrer, Warren | EarSay |
Versus: An American Architect’s Alternatives | Tigerman, Stanley | Rizzoli International Publications |
Vietato l’Ingresso agli addetti al lavoro | Romanelli, Marco | Edizioni Corraini |
A View from the Campidoglio | Venturi, Robert et al. | Harper & Row |
Viewing Olmsted | Lambert, Phyllis | CCA Publications |
The Vignelli Canon | Vignelli, Massimo | Lars Müller Publishers |
Vignelli From A to Z | Vignelli, Massimo | Images Publishing |
The Villa Müller: A Work of Adolf Loos | Kleinman, Kent et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
Vincent Van Duysen | Van Duysen, Vincent et al. | Editorial Gustavo Gili |
Vincent Van Duysen: Complete Works | Van Duysen, Vincent et al. | Thames & Hudson |
The Virtuoso: Face to Face with 40 Extraordinary Talents | Carbone, Ken | Stewart, Tabori & Chang |
Vivienne Westwood | Wilcox, Claire | V&A Publishing |
Vizcaya: An American Villa and Its Makers | Rybczynski, Witold et al. | University of Pennsylvania Press |
Voyager | Yeager, Jeana et al. | Knopf |
Waiting for the Weekend | Rybczynski, Witold | Viking |
Wallace K. Harrison, Architect | Newhouse, Victoria | Rizzoli International Publications |
Watching Words Move | Chermayeff, Ivan et al. | Chronicle Books |
The Way Home: Reflections on American Beauty | Bilhuber, Jeffrey | Rizzoli International Publications |
Wayne White | Oldham, Todd | AMMO Books |
Weiss/Manfredi: Surface/Subsurface | Manfredi, Michael et al. | Princeton Architectural Press |
(Well) Connected Architecture | Ritchie, Ian | Academy Editions |
The Well-Lived Life | Browning, Dominique | Assouline |
Wendell Castle: Wandering Forms | Castle, Wendell et al. | Gregory R. Miller & Co. |
What Colour Is Your World? | Gill, Bob | Phaidon Press |
What If...?: The Architecture and Design of David Rockwell | Pearlman, Chee et al. | Metropolis Books |
What Pete Ate | Kalman, Maira | Puffin |
What We See When We Read | Mendelsund, Peter | Random House |
What Will Be Has Always Been | Wurman, Richard Saul | Rizzoli International Publications |
What’s the Big Idea? | Lois, George | Doubleday |
Where Would the Button Be without the Button Hole? | Tscherny, George | RIT Press |
White City | Turner, Judith | The Tel Aviv Museum |
Who Says What Architecture Is? | Moss, Eric Owen | Sci-Arc Press |
Why Architecture Matters | Goldberger, Paul | Yale University Press |
Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World’s Most Creative People | Millman, Debbie | Harper Design |
Wim Crouwel: A Graphic Odyssey | Brook, Tony et al. | Unit Editions |
Winka Dubbeldam, Architect: Con-Tex-Ture | Dubbeldam, Winka | nai010 Publishers |
Wirrwarr | Mayer H., Jürgen et al. | Hatje Cantz |
With This Ring | Proddow, Penny et al. | Bulfinch |
Without Boundaries | Oldham, Todd | Rizzoli International Publications |
Women Holding Things | Kalman, Maira | Harper Design |
Women in Art | Krakoff, Reed | Assouline |
Women in Graphic Design 1890–2012 | Breuer, Gerda et al. | JOVIS |
Women of Design | Gomez-Palacio, Bryony et al. | HOW Books |
Women of Fashion: Twentieth-Century Designers | Steele, Valerie | Rizzoli International Publications |
Words into Pictures | Gill, Bob | Images Publishing |
Work Life | Williams, Tod et al. | The Monacelli Press |
Working: 20 Projects in Process | Norten, Enrique | The Monacelli Press |
The World of Gloria Vanderbilt | Goodman, Wendy et al. | Abrams |
The World Trade Center Remembered | Goldberger, Paul et al. | Abbeville Press |
A World Without Words | Morrison, Jasper | Lars Müller Publishers |
Writing About Architecture | Lange, Alexandra | Princeton Architectural Press |
Writing and Research for Graphic Designers | Heller, Steven | Rockport Publishers |
Written in Water | Holl, Steven | Lars Müller Publishers |
Written into the Void | Eisenman, Peter | Yale University Press |
Yoshio Taniguchi: Nine Museums | Riley, Terence | The Museum of Modern Art |
Your Black Horizon Art Pavilion | Adjaye, David et al. | Walther König Verlag |
Yves Saint Laurent: A Biography | Rawsthorn, Alice | Nan. A. Talese/Doubleday; HarperCollins |
Now is Better by Stefan Sagmeister
Now is Better
By Stefan Sagmeister
Publisher: Phaidon Press
Published: October 2023
Combining art, design, history, and quantitative analysis, transforms data sets into stunning artworks that underscore his positive view of human progress, inspiring us to think about the future with much-needed hope.
Design Emergency: Building a Better Future by Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli
Design Emergency: Building a Better Future
By Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli
Publisher: Phaidon Press
Published: May 2022
Rawsthorn and Antonelli tell the stories of the remarkable designers, architects, engineers, artists, scientists, and activists who are at the forefront of positive change worldwide. Focusing on four themes—Technology, Society, Communication, and Ecology—the authors present a unique portrait of how our great creative minds are developing new design solutions to the major challenges of our time, while helping us to benefit from advances in science and technology.
Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World’s Most Creative People by Debbie Millman
Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World's Most Creative People
By Debbie Millman
Publisher: Harper Design
Published: February 22, 2022
Debbie Millman—author, educator, brand consultant, and host of the widely successful and award-winning podcast “Design Matters”—showcases dozens of her most exciting interviews, bringing together insights and reflections from today’s leading creative minds from across diverse fields.
Milton Glaser: POP by Steven Heller, Mirko Ilić, and Beth Kleber
Milton Glaser: POP
By Steven Heller, Mirko Ilić, and Beth Kleber
Publisher: The Monacelli Press
Published: March 2023
This collection of work from graphci design legend Milton Glaser’s Pop period features hundreds of examples of the designer’s work that have not been seen since their original publication, demonstrating the graphic revolution that transformed design and popular culture.
Meet Me by the Fountain: An Inside History of the Mall by Alexandra Lange
Meet Me by the Fountain: An Inside History of the Mall
By Alexandra Lange
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: June 2022
Chronicles postwar architects’ and merchants’ invention of the shopping mall, revealing how the design of these marketplaces played an integral role in their cultural ascent. Publishers Weekly writes, “Contending that malls answer ‘the basic human need’ of bringing people together, influential design critic Lange advocates for retrofitting abandoned shopping centers into college campuses, senior housing, and ‘ethnocentric marketplaces’ catering to immigrant communities. Lucid and well researched, this is an insightful study of an overlooked and undervalued architectural form.”
Die Fläche: Design and Lettering of the Vienna Secession, 1902–1911 (Facsimile Edition) by Diane V. Silverthorne, Dan Reynolds, and Megan Brandow-Faller
Die Fläche: Design and Lettering of the Vienna Secession, 1902–1911 (Facsimile Edition)
By Diane V. Silverthorne, Dan Reynolds, and Megan Brandow-Faller
Publisher: Letterform Archives Books
Published: October 2023
This facsimile edition of Die Fläche, recreates every page of the formative design periodical in full color and at original size, accompanied by essays that contextualize the work, highlighting contributions by pathbreaking women, innovative lettering artists, and key practitioners of the new “surface art,” including Rudolf von Larisch, Alfred Roller, and Wiener Werkstätte founders Koloman Moser and Josef Hoffmann.
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