Jonathan Adler

Interior Designer; Product/Industrial Designer / United States / Jonathan Adler

Jonathan Adler’s Book List

12 books
Kiera Coffee

This book has only just been released, but I had the privilege of seeing an advance copy and I can honestly say that it’s the most inspiring book I’ve ever seen. Alexander Girard was a genius. Everything he did was beautiful and original and idiosyncratic. I love him. But I don’t love how bloody prolific he was—makes me feel like a total slacker.

Maureen Orth

See my comments on Bag of Toys.

John Irving

Not the biggest John Irving fan, but I love this book. I’m Sam the Skeptic and I hate magical realism, but I was totally able to suspend my disbelief for this book’s fate-based conceit. For a similar freaky-but-utterly-convincing-supernatural sitch try Patrick Süskind’s Perfume. Fab.

David France

I read this book along with Vulgar Favors and Wonder Bread & Ecstasy in one week and I feel like they belong in one entry—kind of a triptych about the sordid underbelly of gay life. Just buy them and read them. You won't be sorry.

Henry Beard

An inspiring read from my camp youth. Miss Piggy introduced moi to the magic of Franglais. It’s a really brilliant and hilarious book.

Ashley Hicks

David Hicks was the chic-est decorator ever. But what I really love about his work is that it’s not just chic—it's fun and playful and joyful, all the things I believe good design should be. Love him, love him, love him. Respect.

Fran Lebowitz

Back to my camp childhood. I read it the summer of my Bar Mitzvah and dreamed of clawing my way to the witty Manhattan world of Fran Lebowitz. I should send her a thank-you note for creating my sensibility and my aspirations.

Dawn Powell

Just found out that Dawn Powell lived in my apartment building in New York. Kinda’ made my heart race. I love her. This 1942 page-turner about social climbing in New York is still relevant today. Sadly, I only discovered Dawn Powell in my camp adulthood.

Judith Krantz

A glorious paean to the power of style and retail. When I read it as a kid (I was a kinda’ camp kid, I must admit) I knew I wanted to have a groovy store someday.

Simon Doonan

Best. Book. Ever.

Andy Warhol

A camp childhood inspiration. Read it as a teen and knew that Andy Warhol was my hero. I wish he were still alive.

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