Current Reading
Blinky Palermo | Mehring, Christine | Yale University Press |
Beijing Record | Wang, Jun | World Scientific |
Keep Your Brain Alive | Katz, Lawrence et al. | Workman |
American Gridlock | Brock, H. Woody | John Wiley & Sons |
The Diagrams of Architecture | Garcia, Mark | Wiley |
Measuring America | Linklater, Andro | Walker and Co. |
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern | Greenblatt, Stephen | W. W. Norton |
Caravaggio | Graham-Dixon, Andrew | W. W. Norton |
Leviathan: The History of Whaling in America | Dolin, Eric Jay | W. W. Norton |
The Planning Game | Garvin, Alexander | W. W. Norton |
The Shallows | Carr, Nicholas | W. W. Norton |
Death at Intervals | Saramago, José | Vintage |
John Cheever: Collected Stories | Cheever, John | Vintage |
Bicycle Diaries | Byrne, David | Viking |
Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention | Marable, Manning | Viking |
The Dialogic Imagination | Bakhtin, Mikhail et al. | University of Texas Press |
The Limit: Life and Death on the 1961 Grand Prix Circuit | Cannell, Michael T. | Twelve Books |
Delirious New York | Koolhaas, Rem | The Monacelli Press |
Architecture’s Desire | Hays, K. Michael | The MIT Press |
Blueprints for Modern Living | Smith, Elizabeth A. T. | The MIT Press |
Pasta by Design | Legendre, George L. et al. | Thames & Hudson |
Things Come Apart | McLellan, Todd | Thames & Hudson |
Project Japan | Koolhaas, Rem et al. | TASCHEN |
The Belly of Paris | Zola, Émile | Sun & Moon Press |
The Gun | Chivers, C. J. | Simon & Schuster |
Steve Jobs | Isaacson, Walter | Simon & Schuster |
Giorgio Morandi: A Retrospective | Bandera Viani, Maria Cristina | Silvana Editoriale |
Glückskind | Uhly, Steven | Secession Verlag |
The Perfect House: A Journey with the Renaissance Master Andrea Palladio | Rybczynski, Witold | Scribner |
George, Be Careful | Lois, George | Saturday Review Press |
Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement | Lin, Zhongjie | Routledge |
On Translation | Ricoeur, Paul | Routledge |
On the Grid | Huler, Scott | Rodale |
L’Italia della Controriforma (Italy and the Counter Reformation) | Montanelli, Indro et al. | Rizzoli International Publications |
A Full Cup | D’Antonio, Michael | Riverhead Books |
The Speculative Turn | Bryant, Levi et al. | |
The Age of Insight | Kandel, Eric | Random House |
MaddAddam | Atwood, Margaret | Random House |
Yes, Chef | Samuelsson, Marcus | Random House |
The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures | Pritchard, James B. | Princeton University Press |
Clement Greenberg: A Critic’s Collection | Guenther, Bruce | Princeton University Press |
Kissing Architecture | Lavin, Sylvia | Princeton University Press |
Reinventing the Wheel | Helfand, Jessica | Princeton Architectural Press |
Silence | Endo, Shusaku | Peter Owen |
The Complete Cosmicomics | Calvino, Italo | Penguin |
The Epic of Gilgamesh | Anonymous | Penguin Classics |
Cherry: A Memoir | Karr, Mary | Penguin |
Cousin Pons | Balzac, Honoré de | Penguin Books |
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex | Philbrick, Nathaniel | Penguin |
Triumph of the City | Glaeser, Edward | Penguin |
Music and Architecture | Xenakis, Iannis et al. | Pendragon Press |
Extra Lives | Bissell, Tom | Pantheon Books |
Stay, Illusion! | Critchley, Simon et al. | Pantheon |
The Impossible Dead | Rankin, Ian | Orion Books |
Cooking for Geeks | Potter, Jeff | O’Reilly |
Stoner | Williams, John | New York Review Books |
The WPA Guide to New York City: The Federal Writers’ Project Guide to 1930s New York | Whyte, William | New Press |
A Breath of Life | Lispector, Clarice | New Directions |
America Primo Amore | Soldati, Mario | Mondadori |
Living Well Is the Best Revenge | Tomkins, Calvin | Modern Library |
Marian Bantjes: Pretty Pictures | Bantjes, Marian | Metropolis Books |
The Race: Extreme Sailing and Its Ultimate Event | Zimmermann, Tim | Mariner Books |
We All Went to Paris | Longstreet, Stephen | Macmillan |
L’Eretico (The Heretic) | Martigli, Carlo A. | Longanesi |
Blink | Gladwell, Malcolm | Little, Brown and Co. |
First Class | Stewart, Alison | Lawrence Hill Books |
Cheever: A Life | Bailey, Blake | Knopf |
Couples | Updike, John | Knopf |
The Enchanted Wanderer and Other Stories | Leskov, Nikolai et al. | Knopf |
Fictions and the Figures of Life | Gass, William | Knopf |
A Fine Balance | Mistry, Rohinton | Knopf |
Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost, 1934-1961 | Hendrickson, Paul | Knopf |
The Lowland | Lahiri, Jhumpa | Knopf |
The Map and the Territory (La Carte et le Territoire) | Houellebecq, Michel | Knopf |
My Prizes | Bernhard, Thomas | Knopf |
The New Digital Age | Schmidt, Eric et al. | Knopf |
1Q84 | Murakami, Haruki | Knopf |
Harald Szemann, Individual Methodology | Derieux, Florence | JRP Ringier with D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers |
The Social History of the Machine Gun | Ellis, John | Johns Hopkins University Press |
Imagine | Lehrer, Jonah | Houghton Mifflin |
Gypsy Boy | Walsh, Mikey | Hodder & Stoughton |
Out of Our Heads | Noë, Alva | Hill and Wang |
Winter Journal | Auster, Paul | Henry Holt and Company |
A Failure of Capitalism | Posner, Richard | Harvard University Press |
The Sea Wall | Duras, Marguerite | HarperCollins |
The German Genius | Watson, Peter | HarperCollins |
A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Other Stories | O’Connor, Flannery | Harcourt, Brace |
The End of Mr. Yi | Thomas, Scarlett | Harcourt |
Daring Greatly | Brown, Brené | Gotham Books |
The One | Smith, R. J. | Gotham Books |
One Gear | Cossu, Matteo | Gingko Press |
On the Origin of Teepees: The Evolution of Ideas (and Ourselves) | Hughes, Jonnie | Free Press |
Critical Mass | Ball, Philip | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Modern Myths | Gray, John | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
Slouching Towards Bethlehem | Didion, Joan | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
Thinking, Fast and Slow | Kahneman, Daniel | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
Le piccole virtù | Ginzburg, Natalia | Einaudi |
Just Kids | Smith, Patti | Ecco |
Mick Jagger | Norman, Philip | Ecco |
What Are You Looking At? | Gompertz, Will | Dutton |
The Ecstasy of Influence | Lethem, Jonathan | Doubleday |
Look at the Birdie | Vonnegut, Kurt | Delacorte Press |
Dit zijn de namen (These Are the Names) | Wieringa, Tommy | De Bezige Bij |
Godenslaap (Divine Sleep) | Mortier, Erwin | De Bezige Bij |
Eros the Bittersweet | Carson, Anne | Dalkey Archive Press |
The Devil in the White City | Larson, Erik | Crown |
Glock: The Rise of America’s Gun | Barrett, Paul | Crown |
Uncanny Valley | Weschler, Lawrence | Counterpoint Press |
Food Designing | Guixé, Martí | Edizioni Corraini |
After Finitude | Meillassoux, Quentin | Continuum |
The Greatest Grid | Ballon, Hilary | Columbia University Press |
Born Modern | Heller, Steven et al. | Chronicle Books |
Peter Teuful: A Tale of Car Design in 3 Parts | Bangle, Chris | Chris Bangle Associates |
Understanding Early Civilizations | Trigger, Bruce | Cambridge University Press |
After London, or Wild England | Jefferies, Richard | Book Jungle |
A More Beautiful Question | Berger, Warren | Bloomsbury |
See Yourself Sensing | Schwartzman, Madeline | Black Dog Publishing |
Das Bastardbuch | Neuenfels, Hans | Bertelsmann |
Koninkrijk vol sloppen, achterbuurten en vuil in de negentiende eeuw | van der Woude, Auke | Bert Bakker |
The Great Pearl Heist | Crosby, Molly Cadwell | Berkely Books |
Religion in Human Evolution | Bellah, Robert N. | The Belknap Press |
World Enough & Time | McEwen, Christian | Bauhan |
A Geography of Time | Levine, Robert | Basic Books |
The (Mis)Behavior of Markets | Mandelbrot, Benoit et al. | Basic Books |
The City & the City | Miéville, China | Ballantine Books |
You Remind Me of Me | Chaon, Dan | Ballantine Books |
Rousseau en ik | Doorman, Maarten | Bert Bakker |
Marcel Duchamp: The Afternoon Interviews | Tomkins, Calvin | Badlands Unlimited |
Bird by Bird | Lamott, Anne | Anchor Books/Doubleday |
Waterfront | Lopate, Philip | Anchor Books/Doubleday |
A History of the World in 100 Objects | MacGregor, Neil | Allen Lane |
La Folie Baudelaire | Calasso, Roberto | Allen Lane |
Scritto di notte (Written at Night) | Sottsass, Ettore | Adelphi |
Clip Stamp Fold | Colomina, Beatriz et al. | Actar |
Grief Lessons | Carson, Anne | New York Review Books |
Now is Better by Stefan Sagmeister
Now is Better
By Stefan Sagmeister
Publisher: Phaidon Press
Published: October 2023
Combining art, design, history, and quantitative analysis, transforms data sets into stunning artworks that underscore his positive view of human progress, inspiring us to think about the future with much-needed hope.
Design Emergency: Building a Better Future by Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli
Design Emergency: Building a Better Future
By Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli
Publisher: Phaidon Press
Published: May 2022
Rawsthorn and Antonelli tell the stories of the remarkable designers, architects, engineers, artists, scientists, and activists who are at the forefront of positive change worldwide. Focusing on four themes—Technology, Society, Communication, and Ecology—the authors present a unique portrait of how our great creative minds are developing new design solutions to the major challenges of our time, while helping us to benefit from advances in science and technology.
Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World’s Most Creative People by Debbie Millman
Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World's Most Creative People
By Debbie Millman
Publisher: Harper Design
Published: February 22, 2022
Debbie Millman—author, educator, brand consultant, and host of the widely successful and award-winning podcast “Design Matters”—showcases dozens of her most exciting interviews, bringing together insights and reflections from today’s leading creative minds from across diverse fields.
Milton Glaser: POP by Steven Heller, Mirko Ilić, and Beth Kleber
Milton Glaser: POP
By Steven Heller, Mirko Ilić, and Beth Kleber
Publisher: The Monacelli Press
Published: March 2023
This collection of work from graphci design legend Milton Glaser’s Pop period features hundreds of examples of the designer’s work that have not been seen since their original publication, demonstrating the graphic revolution that transformed design and popular culture.
Meet Me by the Fountain: An Inside History of the Mall by Alexandra Lange
Meet Me by the Fountain: An Inside History of the Mall
By Alexandra Lange
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: June 2022
Chronicles postwar architects’ and merchants’ invention of the shopping mall, revealing how the design of these marketplaces played an integral role in their cultural ascent. Publishers Weekly writes, “Contending that malls answer ‘the basic human need’ of bringing people together, influential design critic Lange advocates for retrofitting abandoned shopping centers into college campuses, senior housing, and ‘ethnocentric marketplaces’ catering to immigrant communities. Lucid and well researched, this is an insightful study of an overlooked and undervalued architectural form.”
Die Fläche: Design and Lettering of the Vienna Secession, 1902–1911 (Facsimile Edition) by Diane V. Silverthorne, Dan Reynolds, and Megan Brandow-Faller
Die Fläche: Design and Lettering of the Vienna Secession, 1902–1911 (Facsimile Edition)
By Diane V. Silverthorne, Dan Reynolds, and Megan Brandow-Faller
Publisher: Letterform Archives Books
Published: October 2023
This facsimile edition of Die Fläche, recreates every page of the formative design periodical in full color and at original size, accompanied by essays that contextualize the work, highlighting contributions by pathbreaking women, innovative lettering artists, and key practitioners of the new “surface art,” including Rudolf von Larisch, Alfred Roller, and Wiener Werkstätte founders Koloman Moser and Josef Hoffmann.
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