Chosen Books

Invited designers and commentators have chosen these as the books that inspire them and that have shaped their worldview or their ideas about design.
2000 books
Wilderness and the American Mind
Roderick Nash
The Bauhaus Reassessed: Sources and Design Theory
Gillian Naylor
Black Elk Speaks
John Neihardt
How to See: A Guide to Reading Our Manmade Environment
George Nelson
Frei Otto: Complete Works
Winfried Nerdinger
Confieso que he vivido: Memorias (Memoirs)
Pablo Neruda
The Artless Word: Mies van der Rohe on the Building Art
Fritz Neumeyer
It’s Like This, Cat
Emily Cheney Neville
Love and War in the Apennines
Eric Newby
An Illustrated Dictionary of Jewelry
Harold Newman
The Curves of Time
Oscar Niemeyer
Beyond Good and Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche
Josef Hoffmann Designs
Peter Noever, ed.
James Turrell: The Other Horizon
Peter Noever, ed.
The Wealth of Cities
John Norquist
Seventeenth-Century Women’s Dress Patterns
Susan North et al.
The Blue Sweater
Jacqueline Novogratz
Creative Intelligence
Bruce Nussbaum
Wolfgang Tillmans
Sophie O'Brien et al.
Enzo Mari
Hans Ulrich Obrist et al.
Novelle Meravigliose delle Mille e Una Notte (Tales from the Thousand and One Nights)
Flora Oddone et al.
The Art of Papercraft
Kiroshi Ogawa
Design with Climate
Victor Olgyay
The Collected Works of Billy the Kid
Michael Ondaatje
In the Skin of a Lion
Michael Ondaatje
Running in the Family
Michael Ondaatje
Favorite Greek Myths
Mary Pope Osborne et al.
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