Quote of the Day


183 blog entries
By Véronique Vienne September 25, 2013

Published in 1977, On Photography is a prophetic book whose chilling analysis describes the way photography, more than ever, mediates our experience of reality but also controls it.

By Warren Lehrer November 4, 2013

Text and image are nearly inseparable. A reader needs to engage the narrative whose lines can cascade, flow, collide, and disperse. It is a completely legible read—you just need to be game to traverse time and story on Laxson’s terms—a suspension I think most readers yearn for in a good book.

October 29, 2019

Enjoy the music, and the playfully searching, the hermetic Cubism of Stein’s writing.

By Wendell Castle August 1, 2013

This is a great book for useless knowledge that ultimately might prove useful.

By Wim Crouwel March 27, 2014

Mies van der Rohe is one of my heroes.

By Wim Crouwel May 12, 2014

Makes clear that modern typography does not have its origins in the conventional printing industry but is entwined with 20th-century painting, poetry, and architecture.

By Witold Rybczynski October 1, 2013

If you never took Scully’s course at Yale, or had the privilege of hearing him lecture, this book is a good substitute.

By Witold Rybczynski December 19, 2013

Pre-dates the descent into obfuscatory jargon that bedevils most theoretical texts. Still a stimulating read, even if the movement it helped to launch—postmodernism—fizzled out.

July 13, 2023

A global Baedeker to the long and interesting history of the planned suburb.