Quote of the Day


183 blog entries
By Michael Rock October 22, 2013

Lolita combines, in an almost painful way, the hilarious and the unconscionable.

By Michael Sorkin October 31, 2013

Has the dilemma of modernity been better expressed?

By Michael Sorkin September 17, 2013

The book through which I learned how to read closely and had my utopian streak nicely jazzed.

By Milton Glaser March 2, 2015

Berger is incapable of writing without astonishing you.

By Mohsen Mostafavi September 1, 2014

An amazing critique of the English language explaining the parameters that constitute a classic work of literature—but equally important for the parallels between writing and architecture.

February 18, 2019

I found this a profound guide to living a life of accomplishment—trying to get anything done with other people— as well as an insight into someone I have admired for a long time.

By Nancye Green December 11, 2013

Illustrates in maddening detail the designer’s excruciating fascination with the ordinary as extraordinary.

By Nathalie de Vries August 15, 2013

On my first ever trip to the U.S., I went to L.A. instead of New York because of this book.

By Paolo Deganello August 2, 2013

I suggest that young architects and designers create for the “99 percent.”

November 19, 2013

Ada Louise Huxtable deftly ties Wright’s work and his life together without exaggerating the connections between the two.