Designers & Books Blog


856 blog entries
By Chris Bangle August 27, 2013

This is super-special to me; I recently purchased old copies of this 1931 book, rewrote all of my own notes in the margins, and gave one of them to a client . . . it means so much!

By Chris Bangle August 18, 2014

You will never find a better description of what car design is all about than in this book. Just take out the word “nude” and insert the word “car” and it all becomes crystal clear. My copy is incredibly highlighted and written over, full of “Ah-ha!” comments and annotations.

By Christian Wassmann September 30, 2013

Warns us not to lose our individual creativity and settle for junk quality.

By Cino Zucchi November 18, 2013

Plain language and sophisticated thought by one of the last scientists with deep humanistic interests. Gould narrates the story of the QWERTY keypad as it were that of a mollusk of the “Cambrian explosion.”

By Cleto Munari March 31, 2014

Discovering this remarkable American poet was a revelation for me. I have even produced a table using his visionary poem dedicated to a man and his camel. His often surreal metaphors are a continuous inspiration for my work.

By Coralie Bickford-Smith August 7, 2013

Here is design showing off its sense of humor to its best advantage.

By Coralie Bickford-Smith May 5, 2014

I return to this book time and again to get to grips with designing patterns from this incredible wealth of technical information.

By Craig Hodgetts August 22, 2013

Giedion weaves the strands of innovation we take for granted into a compelling fabric that helps to explain how and why our cities and towns took the shape they did. Hopefully someone of his stature will do the same for the Information Age.

By Dan Formosa April 21, 2014

An insightful look into creativity both within and outside the corporation. I’ve referred many people to it.