Nancye Green

Graphic Designer / United States / Donovan/Green

Nancye Green’s Book List

Ralph Caplan, Stewart Brand, Toni Morrison.

33 books

A lifetime of ideas captured in one engaging fable—witty, profound, and prophetic.

Edwin A. Abbott

A classic social commentary and then some.

Ralph Caplan

No one talks about design and the designer’s mind more intelligently.

Bertram D. Wolfe

A well-written biography on a flamboyant man in interesting times.

Christophe Canto
Odile Faliu
Translated by Francis Cowper

The most comprehensive and well-assembled visual and verbal survey of our most outlandish and prophetic ideas about the future through time.

Simon Winchester

The design project to end all design projects, and long before the Internet and Wikipedia. An extraordinary example of participatory design.

Edward T. Hall

Profound on ideas around social and personal space.

Nicholson Baker

Illustrates in maddening detail the designer’s excruciating fascination with the ordinary as extraordinary.

Frederic Morton

A vertical slice through the culture of an extraordinarily rich and dynamic time, well researched and beautifully articulated.

Christopher Alexander
Sara Ishikawa
Murray Silverstein

I have come back to this book a hundred times as I have thought about community and how we design to foster or destroy it.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

I found this a profound guide to living a life of accomplishment—trying to get anything done with other people— as well as an insight into someone I have admired for a long time.

Loren Eiseley

Any writing by this naturalist and writer is a spiritual journey and reminder of how all living things fit together in the universe.

Brendan Gill

I have read many books about Frank Lloyd Wright, but especially enjoyed this one.

Tim O’Brien

Many things to take away from this wonderfully written and poignant book about the objects men carried into war.

Brenda Ueland

About being creative and inspirational to those with a creative spirit no matter what your chosen form of expression.

William Irwin Thompson

Made a profound impact on me while in design school and thinking about ideas that drive culture and the built environment.

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