Temple St. Clair

Jewelry Designer / United States / Temple St. Clair

Temple St. Clair’s Book List

This is just the beginning of my list of favorite books. Books, for me, are like stepping stones that go on and on. I constantly discover new books that I want to read and am drawn back to old favorites that I reread or return to for reference. Books relate to different phases of my life and different parts of me—the child, the student, the traveler, the scientist, the designer, the artist, the mother, the explorer. I have eclectic tastes in books, as in other art forms, from the classical to the contemporary and am happy to share a few that I particularly treasure.

5 books
Jonathan Weiner

So many books I love are associated with my travels. I read this book before and during an incredible trip to the Galapagos. It is a detailed account of evolution, and the lengths that scientists go to to study and gather their data. This book was essential to my understanding and appreciation of those islands.


Herodotus may be the greatest historian and storyteller of all time. This volume has accompanied me on many trips through Greece and the ancient sites along the Turkish coast. It brings Ancient Greece alive.

Konrad Lorenz

I am fascinated by animals and nature and turn to both for inspiration. Despite being an acclaimed Nobel prize-winning scientist, Lorenz still communicates boyish marvel while conveying insights into animals in this charming book.

Helen Scales

Aptly named “Scales,” the marine biologist author merges science with storytelling in this in-depth, yet poetic look at the elusive seahorse.


Michael Ondaatje

Someone recommended this book to me before one of my first trips to Sri Lanka to buy gemstones. This is an autobiographical account of Ondaatje’s Sri Lankan roots. From chasing cobras from his grandmother’s living room to summering in the high tea country, he gives colorful insight into the social order of this mysterious, somewhat unexplored island.

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