Chosen Books

Invited designers and commentators have chosen these as the books that inspire them and that have shaped their worldview or their ideas about design.
318 books
Mastering Tradition: The Residential Architecture of John Russell Pope
James B. Garrison
Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright
Brendan Gill
The Manhattan Transcripts
Bernard Tschumi
Louis Kahn: On the Thoughtful Making of Spaces
Michael Merrill
Louis Kahn: Conversations with Students
Louis I. Kahn
Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies
Reyner Banham
The Life and Work of John Nash, Architect
John Summerson
Candida Hofer et al.
Letters to Clients
Frank Lloyd Wright
Les Dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve, 2nd edition (Vitruvius’s Ten Books on Architecture)
Claude Perrault
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
The Language of Post-Modern Architecture
Charles Jencks
La Villa Kérylos
Vian des Rives
La Prima Architettura Barocca (The First Baroque Architecture)
Cesare Brandi
La Nueva Villa Getty
Jorge Silvetti et al.
La Maison de Verre: Pierre Chareau’s Modernist Masterwork
Dominique Vellay
Kindergarten Chats and Other Writings
Louis Sullivan
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, Sanaa Works 1995–2003
Kazuyo Sejima et al.
Journeys: How Travelling Fruit, Ideas and Buildings Rearrange our Environment
Giovanna Borasi, ed.
Jean Prouvé: Complete Works, Volume 3
Peter Sulzer
Jean Prouvé: Complete Works, Volume 2
Peter Sulzer
Jean Prouvé: Complete Works, Volume 1
Peter Sulzer
Japanese Houses Today
Iwao Yamawaki
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
L. T. C. Rolt
The Invention of Tradition
Eric Hobsbawm et al.
Interpreting the Renaissance (Ricerca dell’Rinascimento)
Manfredo Tafuri
The International Style
Henry-Russell Hitchcock et al.
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