Michele Castagnetti
Self Published, 2011
Nonfiction, Photography
201 pages, print on demand via Espresso Book Machine
Suggested Retail Price: $19.99

Photographs of bicycles in New York City. “Since moving to New York I have found these derelict bikes to be a symbol of the city. The city takes from you as much as it gives. I feel people glancing at them and quickly thinking: that’s New York. Imagine if all the bikes tied at poles were brand new and immaculate; it wouldn’t be The City. The toll the city takes on these bikes is so visible that you cannot help but wonder about the toll on people over the years.”—Michele Castagnetti.


On 1 book list
Phil Patton

I came across this self-published volume of images of bicycles in the window of Mxyplyzyk, the New York design shop. The book wonderfully summarizes the grit of city bikes, personalized by tape and paint, wearing an urban patina of dings and scratches.

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