Albert von Escher
Editions d'Art Suisse Ancien, Lausanne, 1937–1944, French
Nonfiction, Fashion Design

Divided into series of engraved illustrations showing uniforms of the infantry, artillery, and cavalry.

On 1 book list
Guo Pei

The military uniform has been a great inspiration for me. My first haute couture fashion show, “Samsara,” included dresses inspired by military uniforms. When I visited Paris for the first time, I saw many European military uniforms in a museum, which made a major impression on me. This book (“Military Engravings,” from 1944) includes many drawings made by hand. I found it in a vintage bookshop in Geneva.


军装为我提供了很多灵感。我的第一次高级定制时装秀“Samsara(轮回)”,有多件高级定制的灵感都来自军装制服。我第一次去巴黎,在一家博物馆看到许多欧洲制服,印象深刻。这本书(《军装制服版画(Military Engravings)》),1944年出版)里有很多手绘稿,是我在日内瓦的一家二手书店找到的。

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