DAAB, Cologne, 2012, English, German
Nonfiction, Graphic Design; Nonfiction, Art and Cultural History
9.4 x 11.3 inches, hardcover, 420 pages, color illustrations
ISBN: 9783942597234
Suggested Retail Price: $95.00

From the Publisher. Bright! illuminates typography, which for many artists is loaded with creative potential. How much power of expression is contained in a letter, a word, or a sentence, when these entities, which are very communicative in character to begin with, are presented as images and objects? How does typographical information respond to its environment, to graphic complements, abstraction, or visual reversal? Under the curatorship of Slanted (weblog and magazine), Bright! presents a unique collection of extraordinary typo-art. Considering the complexity of the various fields, cultural heritage, primary aesthetic aspects, or an understanding of typography and written language as a medium are 
all subjects of focus.

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