Design Books to Win

Win a Copy of the Bolted Book Facsimile!

Sign up and you'll be entered in our special drawing for a chance to win one of four copies of the Bolted Book.

December 5, 2018

Update, December 19, 2018: This drawing has now concluded. The winners are Kevin Degano, Chis Lott, Lynn Robb, and Richard Stanley. Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who entered by signing up at Signing up gets you access to a free custom-designed book display stand and early information on the best price for the Bolted Book, second printing on our upcoming Kickstarter. By signing up you’ll help get our Kickstarter for the 2nd printing off the ground in January 2019.



Bolted Book Facsimile Edition, an exact copy of Depero Futurista by Fortunato Depero, 1927 (facsmile published by Designers & Books, 1st printing, 2017; 2nd printing upcoming 2019)

You can win a copy of our acclaimed facsimile edition of Fortunato Depero’s 1927 graphic design masterpiece, Depero Futurista, the Bolted Book!

Sign up at with your name and email address by December 14, 2018 (11:59 PM EST), and you’ll be automatically entered in a special drawing for a chance to win one of our personal remaining copies of the Bolted Book facsimile, 1st printing (now sold out) or one of three copies from the upcoming 2nd printing. Winners will be selected this December. You’ll also get a free custom-designed book display stand.

By signing up you’ll help get our Kickstarter* for the 2nd printing off the ground in January 2019. 

*The awarding of all prize copies of the facsimile is dependent on the successful conclusion of the Kickstarter for the Bolted Book, 2nd printing, scheduled to launch in January 2019.

Official “Bolted Book 2nd Printing Books to Win“ Rules

For more information on the Bolted Book Facsmile project, visit