Sighted on the Web & Elsewhere

Sighted on the Web & Elsewhere: Week of September 2

By Tiffany Lambert, Designers & Books September 6, 2013

Google Glass is “in vogue,” privacy by design, paper passion, and comic books to display product design.

Paper passion

World-famous publisher Gerhard Steidl displays each step of the bookmaking process in an exhibition on view in Seoul, South Korea. Steidl treats publishing and the printed page as works of fine art. The display spans the fields of fashion, literature, photography, and commercial brands. Continues through October 6 at Daelim Museum.

(Drawing by Karl Lagerfeld)

Privacy by design

Where does design stand or fall within the heated debate on privacy? This list of books from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) offers up perspectives on issues of privacy related to technology, creativity, and innovation. These books aid in our understanding of the complexities surrounding today’s digitally enabled products and services. 

A thing for comics

Comic books feature prominently in a new 3.1 Phillip Lim pop-up shop in Japan. Tokyo-based designers Schemata Architects re-used comic books to display shoes and accessories by stacking them waist-high.


Google Glass “in vogue”

At 902 pages, the September issue of Vogue is longer than most books. This month the fashion magazine features a 12-page spread of photographs by Steven Klein with models wearing the wearable computer in a storybook version of the future. Google Glass is one of the latest devices meant to enhance performance -a technology that extends our physical capabilities.

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