Daily Features


189 blog entries
Daily Features
By Steve Kroeter May 20, 2016

On Tuesday May 24, New York’s esteemed Cooper Union marks the 65th graduation anniversary of one of its most famous alumni, Seymour Chwast, who will spend an evening talking about his life as a graphic designer and illustrator, activist, and author. Joining him will be design writer Steven Heller. More...

Daily Features
By Steve Kroeter April 28, 2016

For almost six decades, Seymour Chwast has used his signature blend of design, illustration, and social commentary to wage a campaign against war. Now, at age 84, he turns his pen and sketchpad toward creating a new book of powerful antiwar images, Seymour Chwast at War with War: An Illustrated Timeline of 5000 Years of Conquests, Invasions, and Terrorist Attacks. Designers & Books has just launched a Kickstarter to support the publication of this limited-edition book. Join us! More...

Daily Features
April 25, 2016

This Thursday! Jessica Helfand, Paula Scher, Eugenia Bell, Julie Lasky, and Véronique Vienne discuss how designed things make us feel as well as how—and why—they motivate our behavior. The event,  “The Invention of Desire in Design,” on Thursday, May 19, at 7:00 PM,  is part of a new series, DISCOVERING DESIGN, May 3–19, hosted by the Strand Book Store in collaboration with Designers & Books, which complements NYCxDESIGN’s annual celebration of design in New York City. More...

Daily Features
By Steve Kroeter February 3, 2016

We’re starting a publishing program for facsimile editions of important out-of-print books on architecture, fashion, graphic design, interior design, landscape architecture, product design, photography, and urban design. These books, all launched on Kickstarter, will be part of a new program called Designers & Books Network. More...

Daily Features
By Steve Kroeter September 30, 2015

Meet over 25 of your favorite design book authors at Designers & Books Fair 2015™this weekend—October 2 through 4—at the Fashion Intitute of Technology in New York City. And that’s not all: designated book purchases you make at the Fair automatically enter your name in more than 20 drawings to win unique Experiences with Authors.™ Would you like a private visit to graphic designer Louise Fili’s studio plus gelato with the designer? Your portrait drawn by the fashion illustrator for Bloomingdale’s? More...

Daily Features
By Steve Kroeter August 26, 2015

We couldn’t have done it without our thousands of supporters, all of whom we thank here. More...

Daily Features
June 3, 2015

We’re delighted to be presenting our second pop-up design book fair in New York. Co-hosted with WeWork Soho West, on Wednesday evening, June 10, the fair will offer new and recently published design and architecture books—all at 35% off—from 10 leading publishers. This free three-hour event is open to the public and also features book giveaways and an in-person book signing of a new title by designer Constantin Boym. Refreshments! More...

Daily Features
May 27, 2015

A special evening for fans of Ladislav Sutnar and influential modern graphic design is available on our Visual Design in Action facsimile edition Kickstarter, now going into its final week. You and a guest can attend a cocktail reception and gallery talk on Sutnar’s works on paper by Nicholas D. Lowry, President of Swann Galleries and Director of the auction house’s Vintage Posters department. The event will be held at Swann Galleries (104 East 25th Street, NY, NY) on Thursday, July 30, 2015, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. More...

Daily Features
May 18, 2015

This past Thursday, May 14, a lively panel discussion and pop-up  architecture and design book fair co-hosted by Designers & Books and the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography at Cooper Union celebrated new design books and design book news as part of NYCxDESIGN 2015. We take a look at some of the event’s highlights More...

Daily Features
May 11, 2015

May in New York is all about design. To celebrate—together with the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography at Cooper Union—this Thursday evening, May 14, in New York, we’re hosting a special free event open to the public: a pop-up design book fair and panel discussion highlighting new developments in design book publishing. There will also be three different drawings held to win new and recently released architecture and design books from four prominent publishers. More...