Designers & Books Blog


856 blog entries
The Proust Questionnaire — Book Edition
By Rudy VanderLans December 6, 2013

Emigre co-founder Rudy VanderLans is partial to Joan Didion and his copy of Ed Ruscha’s Every Building on the Sunset Strip. He buys his books at Moe’s Bookstore in Berkeley. More...

The Proust Questionnaire — Book Edition
By Sagi Haviv December 9, 2013

Question: “Your favorite book title (because you like the sound of it):” Sagi Haviv’s answer: “On Bullshit, by philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt.” Sagi answers more questions from The Proust Questionnaire—Book Edition. More...

Daily Features
By Bryn Smith, Superscript August 20, 2013

Capitalizing on cities as brands and toning down expected visual tropes will temper the bike’s ubiquitous design and make it a unique part of each city’s infrastructure. More...

Designers & Books News
July 21, 2015

Mark your calendars! The dates of the second presentation of the world’s only architecture and design book fair have been set for October 2, 3, and 4, 2015. Designers & Books Fair 2015™ will feature over 70 publishers and book dealers and 9 programs. More...

By Steve Kroeter February 12, 2013

Architecture school dean Alan Balfour: College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta)
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Dean of Georgia Tech’s College of Architecture Alan Balfour divides his book list for Designers & Books in a way that reflects his distinguished career as a scholar, author, and educator. The list contains, he states in his introduction, “first, books that have touched me in the last year or so, most related to supporting and stimulating my own writing; second, writers whose imaginations I can enter, whose books I can get lost within; and third, books that I often return to and continue to value.” More...

By Steve Kroeter May 3, 2011

Architecture critic Paul Goldberger (New York)
book list
What is the first role of books about architecture? “To interpret and explain: to be, in effect, the label on the museum wall, or the note in the concert program.” So writes architecture critic Paul Goldberger in a new essay for Designers & Books. But that’s only the beginning. He goes on to say, “The greatest buildings, like art and music and literature, can be interpreted in multiple ways. As there is no end to what can be said about Beethoven and Mozart, there is no end to what can be said about the work of Michelangelo and Palladio and Borromini and Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn.” More...

Daily Features
By Designers & Books February 7, 2014

A sampling of what we saw and heard at Irma Boom’s conversation with Debbie Millman on January 29, co-presented by AIGA/NY and Designers & Books. Copies of the mini edition of Irma Boom: The Architecture of the Book are still available for purchase via AIGA/NY. More...

November 3, 2013

Debbie Millman’s illustrated essays and visual poems are part philosophy, part art, part deeply personal memoir exposing the universal triumphs and tribulations of being human. Please join us for the launch, More...

Book List of the Week
By Steve Kroeter April 23, 2013

Architect Craig Dykers: Snøhetta (New York and Oslo)
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“What gets me up in the morning,” says architect Craig Dykers in the introduction to the list of 21 books he sent us, is “knowing . . . that the places where we live are not bound by catalogues of definitions—they are so much more.” Dykers is the co-founder of the New York and Oslo-based firm Snøhetta, More...

Holiday Gift Book Lists 2013
By Norman Weinstein December 10, 2013

Designers & Books Book Board member Norman Weinstein offers his personally curated 2013 gift guide to seven design books for very particular readers. More...